Games I Own by Chris Kavan

Games I Own

# Game Title Rating Overall Add
1. 7 Days to Die N/A 2.5/5
2. 1942 N/A 3.3/5
3. 3D Dot Game Heroes 4.0/5 3.4/5
4. ActRaiser 4.0/5 4.3/5
5. Age of Booty N/A 2.8/5
6. AI: The Somnium Files N/A N/A
7. Alan Wake 4.0/5 3.5/5
8. Alan Wake's American Nightmare N/A N/A
9. Alice: Madness Returns N/A N/A
10. Alternativa 2.5/5 2.5/5
11. Always Sometimes Monsters N/A N/A
12. American McGee's Alice 4.0/5 4.0/5
13. Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs N/A N/A
14. Amnesia: The Dark Descent 3.5/5 4.0/5
15. Animal Crossing: City Folk 3.0/5 3.1/5
16. Anna N/A N/A
17. Arc Rise Fantasia N/A 3.0/5
18. Aveyond: Gates of Night N/A N/A
19. Aveyond: Lord of Twilight N/A N/A
20. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit 3.5/5 3.5/5
21. The Baconing N/A N/A
22. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 3.5/5 2.8/5
23. The Banner Saga N/A 3.0/5
24. Bastion N/A 4.0/5
25. Batman: Arkham Asylum 4.0/5 4.1/5
26. Batman: Arkham City 4.5/5 4.1/5
27. Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series N/A N/A
28. Bayonetta 3.0/5 3.4/5
29. The Beatles: Rock Band 3.5/5 3.0/5
30. Beyond: Two Souls 4.0/5 3.5/5
31. The Binding of Isaac 4.0/5 4.0/5
32. BioShock 4.5/5 4.2/5
33. BioShock 2 3.5/5 3.7/5
34. BioShock Infinite 5.0/5 4.9/5
35. Black & White 2.5/5 2.5/5
36. BloodRayne 3.0/5 3.0/5
37. BloodRayne 2 3.0/5 3.0/5
38. Borderlands 4.5/5 3.8/5
39. Borderlands 4.0/5 3.6/5
40. Borderlands 2 4.5/5 4.1/5
41. Borderlands 3 N/A 4.0/5
42. Borderlands: The Handsome Collection N/A N/A
43. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 3.5/5 4.0/5
44. The Bottom of the Well N/A N/A
45. Breath of Death VII: The Beginning N/A 4.0/5
46. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons N/A 4.0/5
47. Brutal Legend 3.5/5 3.5/5
48. Bulletstorm 3.5/5 3.5/5
49. Bully 4.0/5 3.2/5
50. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger N/A 4.0/5
51. Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters N/A N/A
52. Child of Light N/A 4.0/5
53. Civilization II 4.0/5 3.2/5
54. Claire N/A N/A
55. Clandestinity of Elsie N/A N/A
56. Clock Tower 3 3.0/5 2.5/5
57. Condemned 2: Bloodshot 3.0/5 1.5/5
58. Contra 3.5/5 3.6/5
59. Control 4.0/5 4.0/5
60. Costume Quest N/A N/A
61. Costume Quest 2 N/A N/A
62. Crush Crush 3.5/5 3.5/5
63. Crysis N/A 4.5/5
64. Crysis 2 N/A 3.5/5
65. Crysis Warhead N/A 4.5/5
66. Crysis Wars N/A N/A
67. Cthulhu Saves the World 4.0/5 4.3/5
69. Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls N/A N/A
70. Darksiders N/A N/A
71. Darksiders II N/A N/A
72. Darkwatch 2.5/5 2.5/5
73. Dead Island 3.5/5 3.4/5
74. Dead Island 3.5/5 3.5/5
75. Dead Island: Riptide 3.0/5 3.0/5
76. Dead Nation 3.5/5 3.1/5
77. Dead Rising 2 3.5/5 3.3/5
78. Dead Space 4.0/5 3.6/5
79. Dead Space: Extraction 3.5/5 3.2/5
80. Dead Space 2 3.5/5 3.6/5
81. Deadlight 3.5/5 3.5/5
82. Deadly Premonition N/A N/A
83. Destiny 2 4.0/5 3.6/5
84. Death Stranding N/A N/A
85. Defiance 3.5/5 3.5/5
86. Demon's Souls 4.0/5 2.5/5
87. Deponia N/A N/A
88. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 5.0/5 4.0/5
89. Diablo III 4.0/5 3.2/5
90. Dino Crisis 3.0/5 3.2/5
91. Disco Elysium N/A N/A
92. Dishonored N/A 5.0/5
93. Divinity: Original Sin 4.5/5 4.8/5
94. Doki Doki Literature Club! 4.5/5 4.0/5
95. Don't Starve N/A N/A
96. Don't Starve Together N/A N/A
97. Doom & Destiny N/A N/A
98. Doom 3 3.5/5 3.0/5
99. Dragon Age: Inquisition 4.5/5 3.9/5
100. Dragon Age: Origins 4.0/5 4.0/5
101. Dragon Nest 4.0/5 4.0/5
102. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King 5.0/5 4.0/5
103. Dragon Warrior VII ( Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden ) 4.0/5 3.8/5
104. DreadOut N/A N/A
105. Duke Nukem Forever 1.5/5 1.5/5
106. Dungeon Defenders 3.5/5 4.2/5
107. Dungeon Defenders 4.0/5 3.5/5
108. Dungeon Siege III 2.5/5 2.5/5
109. Dungeonland 2.0/5 1.5/5
110. Dungeons of Dredmor N/A N/A
111. Dying Light 2 Stay Human N/A N/A
112. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 4.5/5 3.4/5
113. Disney Epic Mickey N/A 3.5/5
114. Everlasting Summer N/A N/A
115. The Evil Within N/A N/A
116. Evoland 4.0/5 4.0/5
117. Fable Anniversary 3.0/5 2.8/5
118. Fable III N/A N/A
119. Fable: The Lost Chapters N/A 2.5/5
120. Fallout 3 4.5/5 3.5/5
121. Fallout 4 4.0/5 3.4/5
122. Fallout: New Vegas 4.0/5 3.5/5
123. Far Cry 3 4.0/5 3.2/5
124. Far Cry 4 3.0/5 3.6/5
125. Far Cry 5 N/A 4.0/5
126. Far Cry 6 N/A N/A
127. Far Cry Primal N/A 3.3/5
128. Fat Princess N/A 2.7/5
129. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly 4.0/5 4.2/5
130. Fatal Frame III: The Tormented 4.0/5 4.2/5
131. Fight The Dragon 3.0/5 3.3/5
132. Final Fantasy 3.5/5 3.6/5
133. Final Fantasy Anthology 3.5/5 3.6/5
134. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord 4.0/5 3.5/5
135. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King 4.5/5 4.2/5
136. Final Fantasy Tactics 3.5/5 4.3/5
137. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years N/A 4.0/5
138. Final Fantasy VII 5.0/5 4.1/5
139. Final Fantasy VIII 3.5/5 3.7/5
140. Final Fantasy IX 3.0/5 3.9/5
141. Final Fantasy X 3.5/5 3.8/5
142. Final Fantasy X-2 3.0/5 2.3/5
143. Final Fantasy XII 4.5/5 3.6/5
144. Final Fantasy XIII 3.0/5 3.5/5
145. Firehawk N/A N/A
146. The Forest N/A N/A
147. Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone N/A N/A
148. Foto Flash 3.5/5 3.5/5
149. Gal Gun: Double Peace N/A N/A
150. Galaga N/A N/A
151. Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series 4.0/5 4.0/5
152. Ghost of Tsushima 4.5/5 4.5/5
153. Goat Simulator 3.5/5 3.5/5
154. God of War 3.0/5 3.9/5
155. GoldenEye 007 4.0/5 4.0/5
156. Gone Home 4.0/5 4.0/5
157. Goodbye Deponia N/A N/A
158. Grand Theft Auto III 4.5/5 4.0/5
159. Grand Theft Auto IV 5.0/5 3.3/5
160. Grand Theft Auto V 4.5/5 4.5/5
161. Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City N/A 3.3/5
162. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 5.0/5 3.5/5
163. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 4.0/5 4.2/5
164. GRID Legends N/A N/A
165. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock 4.0/5 3.6/5
166. Guitar Hero Live 4.0/5 3.3/5
167. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith 3.0/5 1.7/5
168. Guitar Hero: Metallica 3.5/5 3.0/5
169. Guitar Hero: World Tour 3.5/5 3.2/5
170. GUN N/A N/A
171. Half-Life 2 4.5/5 4.8/5
172. Hammerwatch 3.0/5 2.7/5
173. Haunting Ground N/A 3.0/5
174. Heavenly Guardian N/A 2.0/5
175. Heavenly Sword 3.5/5 3.6/5
176. Heavy Rain 4.0/5 3.6/5
177. Highrise Heroes: Word Challenge N/A N/A
178. Hitman: Absolution 3.5/5 3.5/5
179. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin 3.0/5 3.5/5
180. HOARD 3.0/5 2.7/5
181. Homefront 2.5/5 2.2/5
182. Hotline Miami 4.0/5 3.0/5
183. The House in Fata Morgana N/A N/A
184. HunieCam Studio N/A N/A
185. HuniePop 3.5/5 3.5/5
186. Hyperdimension Neptunia N/A N/A
187. I Am Alive N/A N/A
188. Icewind Dale 3.5/5 3.3/5
189. Indigo Prophecy ( Fahrenheit ) 3.5/5 3.1/5
190. inFAMOUS 4.0/5 3.7/5
191. inFAMOUS 2 4.0/5 3.8/5
192. inFamous: Second Son N/A N/A
193. Iron Brigade N/A 4.5/5
194. Ittle Dew N/A 4.0/5
195. Judgment N/A N/A
196. Just Cause 2 N/A N/A
197. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men N/A N/A
198. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days N/A N/A
199. Katamari Damacy 4.5/5 3.7/5
200. Katamari Damacy REROLL 4.0/5 4.0/5
201. Katamari Forever 3.5/5 3.2/5
202. Killer7 N/A N/A
203. Killer is Dead N/A N/A
204. Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition N/A 3.5/5
205. Killzone 2 N/A 4.0/5
206. King's Field ( King's Field II ) 3.0/5 2.0/5
207. King's Field IV: The Ancient City 3.0/5 2.0/5
208. King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow 3.0/5 3.2/5
209. Kingdom Hearts 4.0/5 3.9/5
210. Kingdom Hearts II 4.0/5 3.4/5
211. Kingdom Hearts III N/A N/A
212. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning N/A N/A
213. L.A. Noire 4.5/5 4.1/5
214. The Last of Us 4.5/5 4.5/5
215. The Last of Us Part II 4.5/5 4.5/5
216. The Last of Us Remastered N/A 4.0/5
217. The Last Story N/A 4.3/5
218. Legend of Dungeon N/A N/A
219. Legend of Grimrock N/A 4.5/5
220. The Legend of Zelda 5.0/5 3.9/5
221. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3.5/5 4.2/5
222. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 4.0/5 4.0/5
223. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 4.0/5 4.1/5
224. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga N/A 3.8/5
225. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy 3.5/5 3.6/5
226. Life is Strange 4.5/5 4.5/5
227. LIMBO 3.5/5 3.9/5
228. Linger in Shadows 2.0/5 2.0/5
229. Lisa N/A N/A
230. Little King's Story 5.0/5 3.6/5
231. LittleBigPlanet 4.5/5 4.0/5
232. Littlewitch Romanesque: Editio Regia ( Otome Mahou Gaku Littlewitch Romanesque ) N/A N/A
233. Lollipop Chainsaw 3.5/5 3.5/5
234. Lone Survivor N/A N/A
235. Long Live the Queen 4.0/5 4.0/5
236. Lorelai N/A N/A
237. Lost Judgement N/A N/A
238. Lufia & the Fortress of Doom 4.0/5 3.9/5
239. Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals 4.5/5 4.3/5
240. Luigi's Mansion 3.0/5 3.8/5
241. Mafia II 2.5/5 2.5/5
242. Magicka 4.0/5 3.9/5
243. Manhunt 3.0/5 2.5/5
244. Manhunt 2 1.5/5 1.8/5
245. Manhunter N/A N/A
246. Mario Kart 64 4.0/5 4.3/5
247. Mario Party 4 N/A 3.5/5
248. Mass Effect 2 3.5/5 4.1/5
249. Mass Effect Legendary Edition N/A N/A
250. Max Payne 3 N/A 3.0/5
251. MechaNika N/A N/A
252. Medal of Honor 3.5/5 3.7/5
253. Medal of Honor: Frontline 3.0/5 4.0/5
254. Mercenary Kings 4.0/5 4.0/5
255. Metal Gear Solid 4.5/5 4.2/5
256. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 4.5/5 4.2/5
257. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 4.0/5 4.5/5
258. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots N/A 4.1/5
259. Metro 2033 3.5/5 3.5/5
260. Metro Exodus N/A 3.5/5
261. Miasmata N/A N/A
262. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 4.0/5 4.2/5
263. Muramasa: The Demon Blade 4.5/5 3.8/5
264. Murdered: Soul Suspect 3.0/5 3.0/5
265. Nestalgia N/A N/A
266. Neverwinter Nights 4.0/5 3.8/5
267. New Super Mario Bros. Wii 4.0/5 4.3/5
268. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch 4.0/5 3.2/5
269. NieR 3.0/5 3.3/5
270. NieR: Automata N/A N/A
271. No Man's Sky 3.5/5 3.2/5
272. No More Heroes 3.5/5 3.3/5
273. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle 3.5/5 3.2/5
274. Noby Noby Boy 2.5/5 2.4/5
275. The Old City: Leviathan N/A N/A
276. Onechanbara Z2: Chaos 3.0/5 3.3/5
277. The Orange Box N/A 4.0/5
278. Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion 1.0/5 1.0/5
279. Orcs Must Die! 2 N/A N/A
280. Outlast 4.0/5 4.0/5
281. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX 4.0/5 3.9/5
282. Parasite Eve 3.0/5 3.8/5
283. Parasite Eve II 4.0/5 3.6/5
284. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode One 3.0/5 3.0/5
285. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode Two N/A 2.5/5
286. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode 1 N/A 3.0/5
287. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode 2 N/A 2.5/5
288. Persona 5 N/A N/A
289. Phalanx N/A 3.3/5
290. Pillars of Eternity N/A 4.0/5
291. PixelJunk Monsters 3.0/5 3.6/5
292. Plants vs Zombies N/A N/A
293. Populous 3.5/5 2.6/5
294. Postal 2 3.0/5 3.0/5
295. Punch-Out!! 3.0/5 2.9/5
296. Radiata Stories 4.0/5 3.3/5
297. RAGE 3.5/5 3.8/5
298. Rambo 2.5/5 1.6/5
299. Ratchet & Clank (2002) 4.5/5 3.9/5
300. Rayman Origins 3.5/5 3.7/5
301. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale 3.5/5 3.5/5
302. Red Dead Redemption 4.5/5 4.4/5
303. Red Dead Redemption 2 4.5/5 4.5/5
304. Red Dead Revolver 3.0/5 3.7/5
305. Red Faction: Armageddon N/A N/A
306. Red Faction: Guerrilla N/A N/A
307. Remember Me N/A N/A
308. Resident Evil: Director's Cut 3.0/5 2.9/5
309. Resident Evil 2 4.0/5 4.3/5
310. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis ( BioHazard 3: Last Escape ) 3.5/5 4.1/5
311. Resident Evil 4 ( BioHazard 4 ) 4.5/5 4.2/5
312. Resident Evil 5 ( BioHazard 5 ) 3.5/5 3.8/5
313. Resident Evil Code: Veronica X ( BioHazard Code: Veronica Complete ) 3.0/5 4.2/5
314. Resistance 2 3.5/5 3.8/5
315. Resonance of Fate N/A 4.0/5
316. Risen 2.5/5 2.5/5
317. Risen 2: Dark Waters N/A N/A
318. Rock Band 2 4.0/5 3.5/5
319. Rock Band 3 4.0/5 3.1/5
320. Rogue Legacy 4.0/5 4.0/5
321. Rule of Rose N/A N/A
322. Runaway A Twist Of Fate N/A N/A
323. Rune Factory Frontier N/A 3.3/5
324. The Saboteur 3.5/5 3.5/5
325. Sacred Citadel N/A N/A
326. Sacred Gold N/A N/A
327. Saints Row 2 N/A N/A
328. Saints Row: The Third 4.0/5 4.0/5
329. Saints Row: The Third N/A 5.0/5
330. Saints Row IV 3.5/5 3.5/5
331. Scarygirl 3.0/5 3.0/5
332. Scribblenauts 2.0/5 2.8/5
333. Senran Kagura Estival Versus 3.5/5 3.5/5
334. Shadow of the Colossus N/A 4.3/5
335. Shadow Warrior 2 3.5/5 4.2/5
336. Shadowrun 4.0/5 4.0/5
337. Shadowrun Returns N/A 3.0/5
338. Shank 3.5/5 3.5/5
339. Shank 2 N/A N/A
340. Sid Meier's Civilization III 4.5/5 4.5/5
341. Sid Meier's Civilization IV 3.5/5 3.5/5
342. Sid Meier's Civilization V N/A N/A
343. Sid Meier's Civilization: Revolution 3.0/5 2.8/5
344. Silent Hill 4.5/5 4.2/5
345. Silent Hill 2 (2001) 5.0/5 4.5/5
346. Silent Hill 3 4.0/5 4.2/5
347. Silent Hill 4: The Room 3.5/5 3.6/5
348. Silent Hill: Downpour 3.0/5 3.0/5
349. Silent Hill: Homecoming 3.5/5 3.4/5
350. Silent Hill: 0rigins 3.5/5 3.0/5
351. The Simpsons Road Rage 2.5/5 3.0/5
352. The Simpsons: Hit & Run 3.0/5 2.6/5
353. The Sims 3.5/5 3.6/5
354. The Sims 2 4.0/5 4.3/5
355. The Sims 3 4.0/5 4.2/5
356. The Sims 4 N/A N/A
357. Siren 4.0/5 4.3/5
358. Siren: Blood Curse N/A 3.8/5
359. Sleeping Dogs 4.0/5 4.0/5
360. Slender: The Arrival 3.0/5 3.0/5
361. Solomon's Key 3.0/5 2.4/5
362. SoulCalibur II 4.0/5 3.8/5
363. SoulCalibur IV 4.0/5 3.6/5
364. South Park: The Stick of Truth 4.0/5 4.0/5
365. Spelunky 2.5/5 2.0/5
366. Spider-Man (2018) 4.5/5 4.5/5
367. Spy Hunter 3.0/5 2.2/5
368. The Stanley Parable N/A 5.0/5
369. Star Fox 64 3.5/5 3.8/5
370. Star Wars N/A 2.0/5
371. Star Wars: Episode I Racer N/A 2.4/5
372. Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace N/A N/A
373. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic N/A 4.5/5
374. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords N/A 4.5/5
375. Star Wars: Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire N/A N/A
376. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader 3.5/5 3.7/5
377. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3.5/5 3.6/5
378. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 3.5/5 3.3/5
379. Star Wars: Starfighter 2.5/5 2.5/5
380. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 3.5/5 3.5/5
381. Star Wars: The Old Republic N/A N/A
382. Startopia N/A N/A
383. State of Decay N/A N/A
384. Still Life N/A N/A
385. Still Life 2 N/A N/A
386. Stonekeep 4.0/5 4.0/5
387. The Suffering 2.5/5 3.0/5
388. The Suffering: Ties That Bind 2.5/5 2.5/5
389. Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts 2.5/5 2.9/5
390. Super Mario 64 5.0/5 4.0/5
391. Super Mario Galaxy 4.5/5 4.3/5
392. Super Mario Galaxy 2 N/A 4.6/5
393. Super Mario World 5.0/5 4.4/5
394. Super Paper Mario 3.5/5 3.6/5
395. Super Pinball: Behind the Mask 2.0/5 2.3/5
396. Super Smash Bros. Brawl 4.5/5 4.0/5
397. Super Smash Bros. Melee 5.0/5 4.4/5
398. Super Star Wars 3.5/5 3.5/5
399. Super Stardust HD 3.0/5 3.3/5
400. Supreme Commander 2 N/A 3.5/5
401. Survivalist N/A N/A
402. Syberia 3.5/5 3.5/5
403. Syberia II N/A N/A
404. Tabletop Simulator N/A 4.8/5
405. Tales of Graces f 3.5/5 2.8/5
406. Tales of Xilia N/A N/A
407. Tales of Xillia 2 N/A N/A
408. Tales of Zestiria N/A N/A
409. Terraria N/A 3.5/5
410. Thief N/A N/A
411. This War of Mine N/A N/A
412. To the Moon 4.5/5 4.3/5
413. Tomb Raider (2013) 4.0/5 4.0/5
414. Torchlight N/A 3.5/5
415. Torchlight II 3.5/5 3.5/5
416. The Town of Light N/A N/A
417. Tropico 4 N/A N/A
418. Twisted Metal N/A 3.4/5
419. Twisted Metal 2 4.0/5 4.0/5
420. Twisted Metal III N/A N/A
421. Twisted Metal: Black 3.5/5 3.8/5
422. Turok 2: Seeds of Evil 2.5/5 2.6/5
423. The Typing of the Dead: Overkill N/A N/A
424. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection N/A 4.5/5
425. Until Dawn 3.0/5 3.4/5
426. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter N/A N/A
427. Vexx N/A N/A
428. The Walking Dead; The Telltale Series 4.5/5 4.5/5
429. The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series - Season Two 4.0/5 4.0/5
430. Wanderlust: Rebirth 1.5/5 1.3/5
431. Warframe N/A 3.5/5
432. Watch Dogs N/A N/A
433. Watch Dogs 2 4.0/5 3.8/5
434. We Love Katamari 4.0/5 3.3/5
435. Where the Water Tastes Like Wine N/A N/A
436. White Knight Chronicles N/A 2.3/5
437. WiiSports 3.5/5 3.4/5
438. The Witch and the Hundred Knight N/A N/A
439. The Witcher N/A 4.0/5
440. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings N/A 3.0/5
441. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 4.5/5 4.0/5
442. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 4.5/5 4.2/5
443. The Wolf Among Us N/A N/A
444. World of Final Fantasy N/A 4.0/5
445. World of Goo N/A 4.0/5
446. Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht 3.0/5 3.8/5
447. Yakuza 3 N/A 3.5/5
448. Yet Another Zombie Defense 1.5/5 1.5/5
449. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 2.5/5 3.4/5
450. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade N/A N/A
451. Assassin's Creed Odyssey N/A 4.5/5
452. Assassin's Creed III N/A N/A
453. Batman: Arkham Asylum N/A 4.8/5
454. Batman: Arkham City N/A 4.8/5
455. Batman: Arkham Knight N/A N/A
456. BioShock N/A 3.5/5
457. The Cat Lady N/A N/A
458. Code of Princess N/A N/A
459. Company of Heroes 2 N/A N/A
460. Conclave N/A N/A
461. The Council N/A N/A
462. Crusader Kings II N/A N/A
463. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair N/A N/A
464. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls N/A N/A
465. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc 4.0/5 4.0/5
466. Darkest Dungeon N/A 3.5/5
467. The Darkness II N/A N/A
468. Darkwood N/A N/A
469. Dead Age N/A N/A
470. Dead by Daylight N/A N/A
471. Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today N/A N/A
472. Deathtrap N/A N/A
473. Depths of Peril N/A N/A
474. Desync N/A N/A
475. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided N/A 4.0/5
476. Detention N/A N/A
477. Dishonored 2 N/A 3.5/5
478. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider N/A N/A
479. Divinity: Original Sin 2 4.5/5 4.5/5
480. Downfall N/A N/A
481. Dragon Age II N/A 4.0/5
482. Dragon Age: Inquisition N/A 4.0/5
483. Dragon Age: Origins N/A 4.0/5
484. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen N/A 3.5/5
485. DreadOut: Keepers of The Dark N/A N/A
486. Dreamfall Chapters N/A N/A
487. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey N/A N/A
488. Ducktales Remastered N/A 4.5/5
489. Dungeon Siege N/A N/A
490. Dungeon Siege II N/A N/A
491. Dungeon Siege III N/A N/A
492. Dying Light N/A N/A
493. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind N/A N/A
494. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim N/A 3.5/5
495. The Enchanted Cave 2 N/A N/A
496. The Evil Within II N/A N/A
497. E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy N/A N/A
498. F.E.A.R. N/A N/A
499. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin N/A N/A
500. F.E.A.R. 3 N/A 3.5/5
501. Finding Paradise N/A 4.5/5
502. The Flame in the Flood N/A N/A
503. Forge Quest N/A N/A
504. Fortified N/A N/A
505. Fran Bow N/A N/A
506. Greedfall N/A 4.5/5
507. Grim Dawn N/A N/A
508. Guacamelee! N/A 4.0/5
509. Hack, Slash, Loot N/A N/A
510. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice N/A N/A
511. How to Survive N/A N/A
512. How to Survive 2 N/A N/A
513. Indivisible N/A 3.0/5
514. The Inquisitor (2012) N/A N/A
515. Kholat N/A N/A
516. Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning N/A N/A
517. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 N/A N/A
518. Kona N/A N/A
519. Lakeview Cabin Collection N/A N/A
520. Last Word N/A N/A
521. Layers of Fear 3.5/5 3.5/5
522. LEGO The Hobbit N/A N/A
523. Life is Strange 2 N/A N/A
524. Life is Strange: Before the Storm 4.0/5 4.0/5
525. The Longest Journey N/A N/A
526. Mad Max N/A N/A
527. Mafia III N/A 3.5/5
528. Magicka 2 N/A 3.5/5
529. Metro: Last Light N/A 4.0/5
530. Middle-earth: Shadow of War N/A 3.5/5
531. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom N/A N/A
532. Observer N/A N/A
533. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee N/A N/A
534. Of Orcs and Men N/A 3.5/5
535. Outer Wilds N/A N/A
536. Outlast 2 N/A N/A
537. Overfall N/A N/A
538. Pathologic N/A N/A
539. Torment: Enhanced Edition ( Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition ) N/A N/A
540. Quantum Break: Timeless Collector's Edition N/A N/A
541. Rage 2 3.5/5 3.8/5
542. ReCore N/A 3.0/5
543. The Red Solstice N/A N/A
544. Remothered: Tormented Fathers N/A N/A
545. Renowned Explorers: International Society N/A N/A
546. Resident Evil 7: biohazard N/A N/A
547. Room 208 N/A N/A
548. Sanctum N/A N/A
549. Shadow Warrior N/A 3.5/5
550. Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth N/A N/A
551. Sid Meier's Civilization VI N/A 5.0/5
552. SIMULACRA 3.0/5 3.0/5
553. Simulacra 2 N/A N/A
554. SOMA N/A N/A
555. The Spiral Scouts N/A N/A
556. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 4.0/5 4.0/5
557. Stardew Valley 4.0/5 4.0/5
558. Stasis N/A N/A
559. Sunset Overdrive 4.0/5 4.0/5
560. Switchcars N/A N/A
561. Tales of Berseria N/A N/A
562. Teslagrad N/A N/A
563. This Is the Police N/A N/A
564. Torchlight III 3.0/5 2.8/5
565. Tower Wars N/A N/A
566. Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince N/A N/A
567. Undertale 4.0/5 4.0/5
568. Titan Quest 3.0/5 2.8/5
569. Alien: Isolation N/A N/A
570. Satellite Reign 3.0/5 3.0/5
571. Oxenfree 4.0/5 3.5/5
572. Prey 3.0/5 3.0/5
573. Masochisia 4.0/5 4.0/5
574. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 4.0/5 3.9/5
575. Kraven Manor 2.5/5 2.5/5
576. Just Cause 3 3.5/5 3.5/5
577. Empire of Angels IV N/A N/A
578. Dead Rising 3 4.0/5 4.0/5
579. Dead Rising 2 N/A N/A
580. Dead Island 2 N/A N/A
581. Celeste 4.5/5 4.5/5
582. Battleborn 3.5/5 3.2/5
583. Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition N/A N/A
584. Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location N/A N/A
585. Rise of the Tomb Raider 4.0/5 4.0/5
586. South Park: The Fractured But Whole 4.0/5 4.0/5
587. Star Trek: Bridge Crew 3.0/5 3.3/5
588. Strange Brigade 4.0/5 4.0/5
589. Sword Coast Legends 3.5/5 3.7/5
590. Tales from the Borderlands 4.0/5 4.0/5
591. Victor Vran 3.0/5 3.0/5
592. Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 3.0/5 2.8/5
593. Windward 3.5/5 3.2/5
594. Zero-K 2.0/5 2.2/5
595. The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries N/A N/A
596. fault milestone one N/A N/A
597. fault milestone two side:above N/A N/A
598. Just Deserts N/A N/A
601. Machina of the Planet Tree -Planet Ruler- N/A N/A
602. A Magical High School Girl N/A N/A
603. NEKO-NIN exHeart N/A N/A
604. NEKO-NIN exHeart +PLUS Nachi N/A N/A
605. NEKO-NIN exHeart +PLUS Saiha N/A N/A
606. Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition N/A N/A
607. Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms N/A N/A
608. Sunrider Academy N/A N/A
609. Sunrider: Liberation Day N/A N/A
610. Sakura Agent N/A N/A
611. Sakura Angels N/A N/A
612. Sakura Dungeon N/A N/A
613. Sakura Clicker N/A N/A
614. Sakura Beach N/A N/A
615. Sakura Beach 2 N/A N/A
616. Sakura Fantasy Chapter 1 N/A N/A
617. Sakura Magical Girls N/A N/A
618. Sakura Nova N/A N/A
619. Sakura Santa N/A N/A
620. Sakura Shrine Girls N/A N/A
621. Sakura Space N/A N/A
622. Sakura Spirit N/A 3.0/5
623. Sakura Swim Club N/A N/A
624. Age of Wonders III N/A N/A
625. Tyranny N/A 3.5/5
626. The Vagrant 4.0/5 4.0/5
627. Vampyr N/A N/A
628. Wargroove N/A N/A
629. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine N/A N/A
630. The Weaponographist N/A N/A
631. What Remains of Edith Finch N/A N/A
632. White Day: A Labyrinth Named School N/A N/A
633. White Noise 2 N/A N/A
634. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus 4.0/5 4.0/5
635. Yakuza 0 N/A N/A
636. Yomawari: Night Alone N/A N/A
637. Detroit: Become Human 4.0/5 3.7/5
638. Dreams N/A N/A
639. Final Fantasy VII Remake N/A N/A
640. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD N/A N/A
641. God of War 4.0/5 4.3/5
642. LEGO Marvel Collection N/A N/A
643. Mass Effect: Andromeda 3.5/5 3.8/5
644. Mortal Kombat X N/A N/A
645. Horizon: Zero Dawn 4.5/5 4.2/5
646. Cyberpunk 2077 3.0/5 3.3/5
647. A Total War Saga: Troy N/A 3.0/5
648. Amnesia: Rebirth N/A N/A
649. Among the Sleep N/A N/A
650. Ancient Enemy N/A N/A
651. Battle Breakers N/A N/A
652. BioShock 2 N/A 3.5/5
653. BioShock Infinite N/A 4.8/5
654. Blair Witch N/A N/A
655. Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 N/A N/A
656. City of Brass N/A N/A
657. Cris Tales N/A 3.0/5
658. Daemon X Machina N/A 3.5/5
659. Demon's Tilt N/A N/A
660. Figment N/A N/A
661. Fortnite N/A N/A
662. Galactic Civilizations III N/A N/A
663. Gods Will Fall N/A N/A
664. Grand Theft Auto V N/A N/A
665. Hood: Outlaws & Legends N/A N/A
666. In Sound Mind N/A N/A
667. Insurmountable N/A N/A
668. Iratus: Lord of the Dead N/A N/A
669. Jotun N/A 2.0/5
670. Just Die Already 2.5/5 2.3/5
671. Killing Floor 2 N/A N/A
672. Loop Hero N/A N/A
673. Moving Out N/A N/A
674. Paradigm N/A N/A
675. Pathfinder: Kingmaker N/A 2.0/5
676. Redout N/A N/A
677. Relicta N/A N/A
678. Remnant: From the Ashes N/A N/A
679. Riverbond 3.5/5 3.3/5
680. Salt and Sanctuary N/A N/A
681. Second Extinction N/A N/A
682. Shadow of the Tomb Raider N/A N/A
683. Shenmue III N/A N/A
684. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) N/A N/A
685. Stick It to the Man N/A N/A
686. Supraland N/A N/A
687. Terraforming Mars N/A N/A
688. The Escapists 2 N/A 2.0/5
689. The Messenger N/A 3.5/5
690. The World Next Door N/A N/A
691. Tormentor X Punisher N/A N/A
692. Total War: Warhammer N/A 4.0/5
693. Windbound N/A N/A
694. World War Z N/A N/A
695. Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap ( 2017 ) N/A N/A
696. XCOM 2 N/A 4.0/5
697. Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair N/A N/A
698. Akalabeth: World of Doom N/A N/A
699. Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery N/A N/A
700. Assassin's Creed Liberation HD N/A N/A
701. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood N/A N/A
702. Assassin's Creed Unity N/A N/A
703. Beneath a Steel Sky N/A N/A
704. Beyond Good & Evil N/A 2.5/5
705. Bio Menace N/A N/A
706. Brigador N/A N/A
707. Cayne N/A N/A
708. Celestian Tales: Old North N/A N/A
709. The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena N/A N/A
710. Counter-Strike: Source N/A N/A
711. The Crew N/A N/A
712. Deus Ex: Human Revolution N/A 3.0/5
713. Doomdark's Revenge N/A N/A
714. Dragonsphere N/A N/A
715. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion N/A 4.8/5
716. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon N/A 4.0/5
717. Flight of the Amazon Queen N/A N/A
718. Frostpunk N/A N/A
719. Ghostrunner N/A N/A
720. Gothic N/A N/A
721. Jill of the Jungle N/A N/A
722. Jill of the Jungle 2: Jill Goes Underground N/A N/A
723. Jill of the Jungle 3: Jill Saves the Prince N/A N/A
724. Journey to the Savage Planet N/A 4.5/5
725. The Lords of Midnight N/A N/A
726. Lost Planet 3 N/A N/A
727. Lure of the Temptress N/A 4.0/5
728. Mable & The Wood N/A N/A
729. Majesty 2 N/A N/A
730. Peggle N/A N/A
731. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire N/A 4.0/5
732. Postal N/A N/A
733. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time N/A N/A
734. Rayman Origins N/A 4.0/5
735. Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves N/A N/A
736. Shadowrun: Hong Kong N/A 4.0/5
737. Shadowrun: Dragonfall N/A 4.0/5
738. Siralim 2 N/A N/A
739. Star Wars: Squadrons N/A N/A
740. Stargunner N/A N/A
741. Starlink: Battle for Atlas N/A N/A
742. Stellaris N/A N/A
743. Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius N/A N/A
744. Syndicate Wars N/A N/A
745. Syndicate N/A N/A
746. System Shock N/A N/A
747. System Shock: Enhanced Edition N/A N/A
748. System Shock 2 N/A N/A
749. Teen Agent N/A N/A
750. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell N/A N/A
751. Treasure Adventure Game N/A N/A
752. Trials Rising N/A N/A
753. Tyrian 2000 N/A N/A
754. Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar N/A N/A
755. Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss N/A N/A
756. Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds N/A N/A
757. Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams N/A N/A
758. Warhammer: Chaosbane N/A 2.3/5
759. Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire N/A N/A
760. Ziggurat N/A N/A
761. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales N/A N/A
762. Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection N/A N/A
763. DOOM Eternal N/A N/A
764. Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni N/A N/A
765. Warhammer: Vermintide 2 N/A N/A
766. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life N/A N/A
767. Yakuza Kiwami N/A N/A
768. Yakuza Kiwami 2 N/A N/A
769. Yakuza 5 Remastered N/A N/A
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