Killzone 2 Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 203

Average Rating: 4/5

# of Ratings: 7

US Release Date: 02/27/2009

JP Release Date: 04/23/2009

Platform: PlayStation 3

Genres: Action (First-Person Shooter)

ESRB Rating: M

Multiplayer: Online

Developer: Guerrilla Games

Publisher: Sony

Full Game Reviews

Gaming God

Rating of

"Killzone 2"

Megadrive - wrote on 06/05/2019

The original Killzone on the PS2 was a visually pleasing but very linear FPS with a rather lacklustre storyline. Exactly the same can be said about this sequel in that the graphics are excellent but the story is nothing more than gung ho stereotypes spouting clichés at each other and it feels quite old fashioned and limited in comparison to the likes of Halo and Mass Effect. Well enough executed to still be considered a good, solid old school FPS however.

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