L.A. Noire Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 200

Average Rating: 4.1/5

# of Ratings: 7

US Release Date: 05/17/2011

Platform: PlayStation 3

Genres: Action (Action/Adventure), Adventure (Interactive Movie)

ESRB Rating: M

Multiplayer: No

Developer: Team Bondi

Publisher: Rockstar Games

Also Available On: PC (Steam), Xbox 360

Synopsis: It may be the Golden Age of Hollywood but for Cole Phelps, a war veteran turned rookie detective, the streets of L.A. are full of corruption, shattered dreams and violent crime. You control Phelps and will every skill at your disposal from interrogating suspects to analyzing crimes scenes to shoot-outs in order to solve the cases that come your way in a detailed recreation of 1947 Los Angeles.

Full Game Reviews

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Sandbox Addict

Rating of

L.A. Noire: Just the Facts, Man

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/11/2011

It's hard to classify L.A. Noire as a video game. It's more like a detective simulation with game elements thrown in for good measure. For people with short attention spans or who prefer twitchy FPS games, this might seem like a slog. Yet for me, Rockstar has once again proven they are on the cutting edge of game technology and has delivered a game that comes closer than ever to being to immersing you in a true interactive experience.

I thought that Heavy Rain looked amazing and didn't think anything would be able to match that for a long time, yet Rockstar not only managed to be just as good, but actually took things to the next level. The game design is simply flawless - from the truly impressive facial animations to the dead-on recreation of the streets of 1947 Los Angeles - a lot …

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