Dead Space 2 Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 1143

Average Rating: 3.6/5

# of Ratings: 5

US Release Date: 01/25/2011

Platform: PlayStation 3

Genres: Action (Third-Person Shooter, Survival Horror)

ESRB Rating: M

Multiplayer: Online

Developer: Electronic Arts

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Also Available On: PC (Steam), Xbox 360

Synopsis: Three years after the events in Dead Space, Isaac awakens on The Sprawl, a community on Saturn's moon of Titan to a necromorph outbreak. With terrifying visions of Nicole haunting his every step, and his fragmented memory offering only scant clues, he must once again find a way to survive the horror brought on by a new Marker... one he helped build.

Full Game Reviews

Hardcore Gamer

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An Adequate Sequel

dbarry_22 - wrote on 05/03/2013

Dead Space 2 provides enough additions from the original to make it feel new, but it just doesn't quite live up to the original.

The story of Isaac continues, this time taking place years after the events of the original game on the Ishimura. He is being kept in what could be described as a psychiatric ward on a space station called The Sprawl when a new necromorph outbreak occurs. And, before you know it, you're attempting escape and trying to take down a marker...again.

This sequel tries to keep things fresh. While all the guns from the original appear here as well, there are new guns to try as well. There's a javelin gun, a proximity mine gun, and the equivalent of a sniper rifle. While they are fun to try out, odds are you will spend most of your time going back to the …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Sandbox Addict

Rating of

Dead Space Redo with a Few New Tricks

Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/14/2011

While I have to admit that Dead Space 2 doesn't bring a lot of innovation to the table, it still manages to make the whole survival-horror-in-space concept work. Bottom line: if you're a fan of the original, you'll like this second entry and if you're new to the series it's still going to work (just make sure you watch the recap first - the story will make much more sense that way).

The story picks up three years after the original on the Saturn's moon of Titan where you are literally thrown into things - tied up in a straight jacket, necromorphs everywhere, you must escape sans weapons in a pretty good intro. You're freed, but for awhile you wander around with naught but a flashlight for protection. You get your handy kinesis and finally your first weapon. Then the game proceeds to …

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