Game Information
Overall Rank: 1058
Average Rating: 4.5/5
# of Ratings: 1
US Release Date: 11/05/2019
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Action (Sandbox)
ESRB Rating: M
Multiplayer: Online
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Also Available On: PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Full Game Reviews
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How the West Was Done
Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/06/2022
Rockstar is not stranger to bringing larger-than-life open worlds to the masses. Obviously Grand Theft Auto is their main series - and, aside from some questionable remakes and a heavy-hand with fan-made creations - they have been good at improving with each new entry. While Red Dead Redemption doesn't get as much attention, it is more than just Grand Theft Auto but Cowboys. Red Dead Redemption 2 is actually a prequel to Red Dead Redemption and does a fading old west justice by presenting both memorable characters and story and some truly great visuals. As long as you're willing to put in the time, it's a great experience.
Looks and Stuff: While my somewhat aging computer may not be the best platform to judge it, Red Dead Redemption 2, even after four years time, looks amazing. While …
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