Super Mario Galaxy Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 67

Average Rating: 4.3/5

# of Ratings: 19

US Release Date: 11/12/2007

JP Release Date: 11/01/2007

Platform: Wii

Genres: Action (3D Platformer)

ESRB Rating: E

Multiplayer: Local

Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 09/28/2023

A really enjoyable update of the Mario 64 formula that has the looks, invention and charm of the best bits of Mario Sunshine without the hair-tearing frustration that sometimes accompanied it. One of the very best platform games out there, surpassed only by its sequel.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/25/2011

A new twist on the classic Mario franchise utilizing the Wii controls perfectly. If you're a Mario fan at all, this game was proof that the series could still impress and innovate even after all this time. A whole lot of fun, and yet with enough challenge to keep gamers happy.

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