Super Mario 64 Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 19

Average Rating: 4/5

# of Ratings: 35

US Release Date: 09/26/1996

JP Release Date: 06/23/1996

Platform: Nintendo 64

Genres: Action (3D Platformer)

ESRB Rating: E

Multiplayer: No

Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo

Synopsis: Mario is invited the the castle of Princess Peach with the promise of cake - but upon arriving finds that Bowser has once again kidnapped the princess. In order to save her, Mario will have to find the Power Stars hidden in the many portraits that serve as portals to levels in order to unlock to door to stop Bowser in this 3D adventure.

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 09/17/2022

Another Mario game that launched a thousand inferior clones, this is the original and best platformer on the system. All you'd want from a Mario game with a third dimension.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/21/2011

An important game that pretty much revolutionized the platforming world by giving us a 3D open. While Super Mario World still gets my vote as the best Mario game, I think this has had the most influence on the gaming world (well, aside from the original). A game worth checking out just to see where the trend started.

Full Game Reviews

Hardcore Gamer

Rating of

Best Ever

dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/21/2011

Super Mario 64 is the greatest game of all-time. Others would argue Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best, and it's a fair argument because that's the best 2D platforming game of all-time. Super Mario 64 takes it to the next stage. Without successfully taking 2D games to the 3D level, video games would not be where they are today. Super Mario 64 did a great job of doing just that. Rich, expansive, 3D environments along with multiple tasks to do in each level while adding new jumping tricks and items makes it great fun. My friends and I would practically stay up all night wowed by graphics and trying to find stars. I've played this game multiple times and have had a great time each time.

Classic Gamer

Rating of

The Greatest Game Ever

Alex - wrote on 02/17/2011

Simply put, the greatest game of all time and the one that changed the platformer forever. I remember starting this game when I bought the N64 at 12:01 a.m. in 1996. Whoever bought Pilot Wings made a big mistake. The Bowser levels were incredible. The best part was going back through the game to get all the stars.

A masterpiece! For those of you who haven't played this game, you would be amazed at how great it is. If you don't like mario, so be it. But if you do, this is the best in the series and most important.

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Recent Game Talk Posts

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 2011-03-14 02:00

Some well-spoken points there, Alex. But don't forget that we have been able to save or get passwords since the NES days. The Mega Man series was password-driven, but that didn't make it any easier. It just allowed the player to take a break from the frustration without having to start at the beginning each time (or leave their NES on for days on end).You loved Mario 64 because you were able to embrace and enjoy the new 3D platformer genre it created. I couldn't; I wanted more 2D Mario, which …

Classic Gamer

Alex - wrote on 2011-03-13 20:46

Games are what they are when they were released. Coming out on a new system and being able to save it more often means that the game has changed. The first Super Mario Bros (and other side scrollers) would be the easiest game of all time if you could save it. Admittedly, I have not played Galaxy 2. I am sure I would love it. But not as much as Super Mario 64. The graphics still are good for the system and it is a blast to play.Like after I played Donkey Kong for the SNES, I never thought I …

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 2011-03-12 00:50

I tend to rate games based on lasting appeal. It is hard to compare NES games to Wii games because most NES games have not aged well.I don't generally take difficulty into account unless it's 'cheap' difficulty (commonly known as "Nintendo Hard"). Mario 64 is WAY easier than the original game. SMB does get dinged in my opinion for not having unlimited continues and/or the ability to save or use a password. Despite having the patience of Buddha, I do NOT have the patience to repeat the …


Nick - wrote on 2011-03-11 17:51

I rate games based on how good they were for the time period or console generation.  Obviously it is hard to compare NES games to Wii games.So how do you rate Mario 64 and original Super Mario Bros in terms of difficulty?  Does a harder game automatically equal unpolished?  I welcome the challenging Mario games.  Personally, I've only played a little Mario Galaxy, but it seemed to easy to me, and therefore not quite as fun.

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 2011-03-11 17:44

No, I'm saying that polished games are the best games of all time.The best Mario game of all time is Super Mario World, the last 2D Mario game made before Nintendo rebooted the series on the DS and Wii. New Super Mario Bros. Wii comes close to matching its predecessor but is lacking a bit of the gameplay polish that was in SMW (such as the ability to throw shells straight up, and the ability to take Yoshi into any level).Mario 64 was the first 3D Mario game. It's comparable to the original …

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