Game Information
Overall Rank: 1275
Average Rating: 3.4/5
# of Ratings: 5
US Release Date: 08/25/2015
Platform: PlayStation 4
Genres: Adventure (Interactive Movie)
ESRB Rating: M
Multiplayer: Local
Developer: Super Massive
Publisher: Sony
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Scary Fun, But Could Have Been Much More
Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/28/2016
Until Dawn is a kind of choose-your-own adventure horror game. It has some pretty big names attached to it (both in direction and in the voice acting) and, much in the same vein as Heavy Rain, is more of an interactive movie than anything else. Even if the story is a bit predictable and cheesy, the game is clearly aimed at fans of horror movies and, in the right atmosphere, I think this could be a very fun evening (or stretch it out across a few) as you revel in the choices (good or bad) you decide to make.
Presentation: Graphics-wise, the game could have done better. There is clearly jaggies and the like abundant and even though the faces look pretty good, the overall movement and feel is still a bit too mannequin-like. However, the voice acting itself is really good. It helps when …
Rating of
Dawn Can’t Come Soon Enough.
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/23/2016
“Until Dawn” is the type of Chris-would-love-that game that I would normally be content to ignore to the point of pretending it doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, due to the fact that Chris-would-love-that and the fact that the PlayStation 4 (a.k.a., the PortStation) doesn’t have very many exclusives, let alone good ones, the MJ Crew ended up ‘playing’ this little non-game as a democratic experience where Chris held the controller but Nick and I voted on all of the choices he would make.
“Until Dawn” is an Interactive Movie developed by SuperMassive Games and published by Sony (thus it will never appear outside of the PlayStation ecosystem). Originally, it was intended to be a PS3 title with a cross-generation port on the PortStation, however, the original vision of the …
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