Game Information
Overall Rank: 3603
Average Rating: 2.8/5
# of Ratings: 3
US Release Date: 06/26/2007
Platform: PC (Steam)
Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Hack ‘n Slash)
Multiplayer: Online
Developer: Iron Lore
Publisher: THQ, Nordic Games Publishing
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
It's All Greek to Me
Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/22/2017
I don't hide the fact I'm a fan of Diablo-esque games. Hack n Slash can be a very effective game - solo or multiplayer - providing the developer can get things right. However, it's also very hard to get right and, while Titan Quest strives for that goal, it more often falls short than not. It wasn't a terrible experience in my opinion, but it's also not something I'm looking to rush back in and play ever again. In short, if you like the genre, it's worth a look, but don't expect to be blown away.
Presentation: The game looks fine. It has enough variations in armor, enemies and environments to set itself apart from more bland offerings. Still, it was also hard to zoom in far enough to get a really good look at things and the rest of the game, such as music, story and characters, came …
Rating of
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 08/19/2017
I love ancient Greco-Roman mythology, as should be obvious from the fact that I have multiple college degrees dedicated to analyzing the stories, cultural traditions, and religious nonsense contained therein (a skillset which also comes in handy for analyzing videogames). I initially bought “Titan Quest” (“TQ”) and the “Immortal Throne” expansion pack a couple years ago, based solely upon popular acclaim that gushed over how painstakingly accurate the game’s mythological ties were, despite it being a “Diablo”-style Hack ‘n Slash – one of the many RPG subgenres for which I hold no appreciation. It sat in my backlog until Chris decided to pick it as our coop game… actually, Chris picked the “Anniversary” edition of “TQ,” but since THQ Nordic decided to give …
Rating of
An Obvious Diablo Clone
Nick - wrote on 08/19/2017
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition is a Diablo clone RPG taking place within Greek mythology. The Anniversary Edition was released in 2016 with an attempt at multiplayer performance improvements, game balancing, and bug fixes.
This game is an overall acceptable attempt at point and click hack 'n slash RPG. The game is laid out as one would expect, and it's easy to dive in and start playing online with others.
Multiplayer performance still needs work, as the game will start to freeze from time to time, and if you're unlucky, you'll get kicked out. It is tolerable though. Loot drops is by far the worst part of the game, because they are shared when in multiplayer, thus making it impossible to beat click-hungry melee players drooling over the chest. Being a …
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