Game Information
Overall Rank: 101
Average Rating: 3.9/5
# of Ratings: 23
US Release Date: 08/22/1987
JP Release Date: 11/15/1987
Platform: Nintendo (NES)
Genres: Action (Action/Adventure)
ESRB Rating: E
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Synopsis: Ganon, The Prince of Darkness, has stolen the Triforce of Power and seeks the Triforce of Wisdom in order to rule the land of Hyrule. Princess Zelda had been kidnapped by Ganon, but not before breaking the Triforce of Wisdom into eight pieces and hiding them in various dungeons across the land. Seeking a hero to reunite the Triforce and stop Ganon, she sends out Impa who runs afoul of Ganon's minions but is rescued by a young boy named Link...
Quick Game Reviews
Rating of
Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/20/2011
The first game that actually made me think while playing it - you had to find certain items before you could explore the next level. That alone made it a great game but the iconic story and character begot a legend. Zelda still survives, and this initial effort is a big reason why.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
A True Classic
dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/24/2011
The Legend of Zelda is one of the best games on the NES. It had the right formula. A large world to explore, dungeons, items, bosses, and mind blowing puzzles.
The first time you play the game, you might find dungeon level 8 before 4. You might not even know there's a level 3 master sword or a ring to give you more defense. You might not even get close to completely filling your health. Hours and hours you can spend on this game. AND, if you happen to beat it, there's a SECOND quest where you can walk through walls!
Yep, this game has it all. A great first game of a great series.
Rating of
Best Game of All Time
Nick - wrote on 11/04/2010
Probably the best NES game of all time, and possibly the best video game of all time. I still remember all the aspects and mysteries of the game and would play it again right now if I still had a Nintendo. Zelda has had many more games since, but this one, the original is clearly the best and will never be beat. Despite advances in gaming graphics and 3D worlds, the true essence of this game has never been duplicated.
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