Super Stardust HD Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 1470

Average Rating: 3.3/5

# of Ratings: 7

US Release Date: 06/28/2007

Platform: PlayStation Network

Genres: Action (SHMUP)

ESRB Rating: E

Multiplayer: Local

Developer: Housemarque

Publisher: Sony

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 07/15/2019

A cross between asteroids and Robotron like the similar Geometry Wars with added polygons. And like Geometry Wars, it's okay fun in small doses but gets very, very samey.

Full Game Reviews

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Sandbox Addict

Rating of

Asteroids on Crack

Chris Kavan - wrote on 10/06/2011

If you have ever said to yourself "boy, I really like Asteroids but wish it was much more colorful and crazily face-paced" then Super Stardust HD is your baby.

The game play is very simple to grasp but incredibly difficult to master. One ship, three weapons, three asteroid types and a handful of enemy types - plus bosses on each of the five worlds - and that's it. Each level (or planet) is divided into five phases - waves of asteroids and enemies - the final phase is always the boss.

A simple premise, but if you're not quick on the draw - especially if you have the difficulty ramped up - you will die - usually from a stupid stray asteroid or enemy that manages to sneak up on you. Sometimes the screen is filled up with so much stuff, it's easy to lose track of your ship - even when …

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Rating of

Too Old-School

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 07/15/2011

“Super Stardust HD” (“SSDHD”) is a remake of “Super Stardust,” a completely unknown PC/Amiga SHMUP made in 1996 by Housemarque. “Super Stardust” is, itself, a sequel to “Stardust,” an even-lesser-known PC/Amiga/Atari SHMUP made in 1995 by Bloodhouse and released only in Europe.

With this legacy of obscurity, “SSDHD” would have been completely ignored by most gamers, even SHMUP fans, had it not been included as one of the freebie options in Sony’s “Welcome Back to PSN” promotion, in which gamers were given choices of games we already owned or obscure things we had never heard of and didn’t really want. Thus I came into contact with “SSDHD.”

“SSDHD” looks pretty nice. The entire game is sculpted of polygons, most of which break …

Hardcore Gamer

Rating of

Short Lived Fun

dbarry_22 - wrote on 06/11/2011

You're basic space shooter. You fly around a planet taking out asteroids and enemies. There are 3 different weapons that you upgrade and there are also bombs and a boost to get you out of jams. There are "phases" or basically levels to each world, and there are only a handful of worlds so the game isn't very long.

I had a lot of fun racking up multipliers and points, but the repetitiveness of the worlds and enemies kept this game from being great. This game kept my attention for a couple sittings (5 hours or so), but that's about it. I'm not going to purchase the extra content.

Great graphics, good play control and music. It's fun, but short lived fun.

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