Super Smash Bros. Brawl Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 74

Average Rating: 4/5

# of Ratings: 22

US Release Date: 03/09/2008

JP Release Date: 01/31/2008

Platform: Wii

Genres: Action (2D Fighting)

ESRB Rating: T

Multiplayer: Local and Online

Developer: Game Arts

Publisher: Nintendo

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/25/2011

If you liked Melee, Brawl is just about as much fun. I personally liked the expansive one-player mission, though it takes a lot of time and effort if you want all the in-game goodies. The music is also an improvement, with a lot of songs to choose from. All in all, a worthy addition and still a great multiplayer experience.

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Avid Gamer

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Yeah, I said it: Episode V

Jonzor - wrote on 10/21/2011

The Super Smash Bros. series has possibly had the most influence on my life of any video game franchise to date. Were it not for the original entry in the series on the N64, I can’t help but wonder what my life may have been like in college. Playing the original was the main draw to my particular dorm room for most of my friends, and played a huge role in my meeting people and making friends my first semester in college. It turned out that playing this game constantly in my basement in high school, alone, served me pretty well as I was able to compete against the guys who’d been playing against better, human competition before I even arrived at college. It’s not because the computer was good, (it was actually quite terrible at the game) but because I played it SO much. …

Regular Gamer

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Failure Do To The Wii

TicityTaz - wrote on 03/24/2011

I was super excited for this game to come out. I bought it day one, had a couple of friends that did and we played some on line but the huge failure of this game has nothing to do with the game and every thing to do with the Wii. The inability to talk trash with my friends while playing on-line really ruined the on-line experience for me. Sure I could use my cell phone or chat on our x-box but it just seemed dumb that there is no trash talking on the Wii. I like the3 game still because it is fun to have people over and play it but how often to I have people over to play wii? I'm not 10 so it isn;t very often.

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