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Mario Maker Levels
started by Jonzor (Avid Gamer)
09/11/2015 09:37 pm CT
by Jonzor (Avid Gamer)
It's a thinker, FYI.  Take your time.
What should I get with my Club Nintendo Coins?
started by Nelson Schneider (Moderator)
06/24/2013 04:51 pm CT
by Jonzor (Avid Gamer)
Oh no!  I checked like a month ago and I swear they were there!No Mario posters, no hafanuda cards, no Game and Watch game... l...
Sony's Newest Patent
started by Nick (Moderator)
03/22/2013 08:43 pm CT
by Chris Kavan (Moderator)
I'm a very trusting person? Ha - I've played at least 5-10 minutes (or much more in some cases) of a few of them and I've been, for ...
Will GameStick blow Ouya out of the water?
started by Nick (Moderator)
01/06/2013 01:36 pm CT
by Nelson Schneider (Moderator)
Multiple Android-powered consoles competing against each other could get kind of ugly. It make me think of the time when multiple ma...
started by Jonzor (Avid Gamer)
05/22/2012 02:39 am CT
by Anonymous
Guys, you do not need to worry about this.
Guys, has anyone of you tried Dragona Global?
started by nivekeleven (Casual Gamer)
03/19/2012 09:02 am CT
by Charmss (Casual Gamer)
I used to play this awesome MMORPG and found out that there will be an exciting event for March that will give players an AWESOME pr...
3DS Dropping $80 in August
started by Nelson Schneider (Moderator)
08/06/2011 12:56 pm CT
by Nelson Schneider (Moderator)
I will enjoy watching that.
Disturbing trends in video games...
started by Jonzor (Avid Gamer)
06/24/2011 04:05 am CT
by Jonzor (Avid Gamer)
Yeah, Cracked is getting to the heart of a few truths in about games right now, and I wish I could make sure the right people are re...
What Game Should I Get for Wining The Melted Joystick Contest?
started by dbarry_22 (Hardcore Gamer)
04/07/2011 07:57 pm CT
by Chris Kavan (Moderator)
FYI - the official selection is Tiger Woods for the Wii. Let's see that motion control action! But you can always borrow my copy of ...
HomeFront (was it good)
started by White wonder (Newbie Gamer)
03/25/2011 12:56 am CT
by Nelson Schneider (Moderator)
Also remember that people who don't like a game based solely on the subject matter are very unlikely to write a review of it. Rating...
New Xbox
started by White wonder (Newbie Gamer)
03/24/2011 08:33 pm CT
by Nelson Schneider (Moderator)
@ Chris: Money is the root of all evil.@ White wonder: I thought the 360 launch lineup was crap too, and the current 360 lineup only...
Dreamcast 2
started by White wonder (Newbie Gamer)
03/17/2011 11:24 pm CT
by White wonder (Newbie Gamer)
yea that is true it would be cool but i dont see that happening any time soon

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Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate ... game review by Megadrive
Warhammer: Chaosbane game review by Nelson Schneider
Hogwarts Legacy game review by Chris Kavan
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands game review by Chris Kavan
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred... game review by Nelson Schneider
Ori and the Blind Forest: ... game review by Nick
House Party game review by Chris Kavan
Pikmin 4 game review by Nelson Schneider

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