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Location: All Gaming Forums / General Discussion / Sony's Newest Patent
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Apparently Sony wants to screw everyone and possibly dig themselves a grave.  Their latest patent submitted in December will prevent game discs from working on other PS3s, prevented used game sales altogether.  This would be a terrible move and gamers would revolt? es/2013/01/03/report-new- sony-patent-blocks-second -hand-games
1:43 pm CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
MS is working on the same kind of tech for the next Xbox.

Either game prices will have to drop to Steam-like levels of cheapness, or things will get really ugly, really fast.
8:06 pm CT

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Avid Gamer
Honestly?  If I'm Sony or Microsoft, I'm just HOPING the other company is dumb enough to try something like this.  Then I release a console with none of that garbage and make my console the easiest decision in the history of the Console Wars. 01/03/2013
11:20 pm CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
@Jonzor: *coughwiiucough*

I think Sony and MS are working on this together so they can do like the telecos and metered data plans. If you have no competition that DOESN'T have this (and most 'hardcore' twats won't acknowledge the WiiU as competition), customers will have to eat it and like it.
11:26 pm CT

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Avid Gamer
Currently, there are other reasons to buy a Wii U, even if this feature never develops.

Who knows what gimmicks everyone else will cook up, but the point was that the last few cycles Sony and Microsoft have been largely indistinguishable from each other.  I think there are enough people living in the used-game space that there would be a serious drop in overall game sales, whether Sony and Microsoft buddy-up on this issue or not.
11:42 pm CT

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  Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
There are so many games from this generation I haven't had the opportunity to play yet - if they decide to be morons and implement this idea, I might just skip over the next consoles and pick up whatever I missed on Steam.

However, people are quick to point out that many patents are filed and are never actually put into production so just because Sony and Microsoft are thinking about it, doesn't mean they will do it.

If they do - they are literally shooting themselves not just in the foot, but in the head. DRM is bad enough - eliminating used games forever is just plain dumb.
2:02 pm CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Even worse than eliminating used games, doing this would simply replace all used game sales with piracy. While some devs have been stupid enough to say used sales are just as bad as piracy, they might actually get the chance to prove it. 01/06/2013
4:24 pm CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Looks like MS just upped the ante. /report-the-next-xbox-wil l-require-an-internet-con nection-block-used-games
1:08 pm CT

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I feel some necessary boycotting of these console makers.  Go Steam! 02/08/2013
1:13 pm CT

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  Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
I don't know if I would boycott it completely, but I have no intention of rushing out to buy any next generation system (WiiU included). There are simply too many good games I haven't got around to this generation. Pulling this kind of move just makes me even less interested. The only reason I would buy a PS4 early is if it was backwards compatible, but from everything I've read, that's not going to happen - so it will probably be a few years (if ever) that I even consider getting one. If they release all the same games on Steam anyway, I'm better off just going the Steambox route. 02/10/2013
11:36 am CT

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