Games I Own: NES by Nelson Schneider

Games I Own: NES

# Game Title Rating Overall Add
1. Crystalis 4.0/5 3.1/5
2. Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True 4.5/5 3.4/5
3. Donkey Kong Classics 4.0/5 3.3/5
4. Dragon Warrior ( Dragon Quest ) 2.5/5 3.5/5
5. Dragon Warrior II ( Dragon Quest II: Pantheon of Evil Spirits ) 3.0/5 3.4/5
6. Dragon Warrior III ( Dragon Quest III: And Thus Into Legend... ) 3.5/5 3.6/5
7. Dragon Warrior IV ( Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen ) 5.0/5 4.4/5
8. DragonStrike 2.0/5 2.5/5
9. Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements N/A 3.0/5
10. Final Fantasy 3.0/5 3.6/5
11. Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness 3.0/5 3.1/5
12. Heroes of the Lance 1.5/5 1.0/5
13. Kirby's Adventure 4.5/5 3.5/5
14. Mario Bros. 3.0/5 2.6/5
15. Mega Man 2.5/5 3.3/5
16. Mega Man 2 4.5/5 3.7/5
17. Mega Man 3 4.0/5 3.6/5
18. Mega Man 4 3.5/5 3.6/5
19. Mega Man 5 2.5/5 3.3/5
20. Mega Man 6 2.5/5 3.0/5
21. Metroid 2.0/5 3.7/5
22. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 3.5/5 3.0/5
23. Shadowgate 5.0/5 4.0/5
24. Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of Demnos 3.0/5 3.0/5
25. Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt / World Class Track Meet 3.0/5 2.5/5
26. Super Mario Bros. 2 - USA 4.0/5 3.6/5
27. Super Mario Bros. 3 3.5/5 4.3/5
28. The Immortal 3.0/5 3.2/5
29. The Legend of Zelda 4.0/5 3.9/5
30. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 1.5/5 3.4/5
31. Ultima III: Exodus 1.0/5 1.0/5
32. Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar 1.0/5 2.3/5
33. Uninvited 5.0/5 4.0/5
34. Whomp 'Em 4.0/5 3.5/5
35. Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord 2.5/5 2.5/5
36. Yoshi 2.5/5 1.8/5
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