Yoshi Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 5819

Average Rating: 1.8/5

# of Ratings: 3

US Release Date: 06/01/1992

JP Release Date: 12/14/1991

Platform: Nintendo (NES)

Genres: Casual (Infinite Puzzle)

Multiplayer: Local

Developer: Game Freak

Publisher: Nintendo

Also Available On: Game Boy / Color

Full Game Reviews

Hardcore Gamer

Rating of

A Simply Dull Puzzle Game

dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/25/2011

Yoshi is a misleading title for this game. It should be called, "You're not Yoshi at all so don't expect this game to be good." Yoshi is a puzzle game that isn't even on the same realm as Tetris. You try and stack like items and put them in eggs. It's really dumb. I don' t know who thought of this but I gotta tell you, it's not even worth playing once. Avoid this game.

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