MeltedJoystick Video Game Blog 10/2016

Obsidian Hints at Pathfinder cRPG Project

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 10/29/16 at 04:36 PM CT

Do you like cRPGs? Do you worry – like I do – that the genre has been tainted by so much Action and so watered-down that it might as well not even exist? Do you get upset – like I do – that the most acclaimed and award-winning ‘RPGs’ in recent years have been Action/Sandbox games mislabeled as ‘W’RPGs in order to garner more sales through false advertising?

If so, you need to lay some truth on Obsidian Entertainment – the company crafted from the remains of Black Isle, which, along with BioWare, ushered in the cRPG Golden Age with the Infinity Engine games and pre-FPS ‘Fallout’ – in this survey, which they posted in their official forum in order to garner community feedback about the state of cRPGs. It’s a rather exhaustive list of questions, so it can take 20 minutes or so to complete, but isn’t shining the Light of Truth upon the state of videogame RPGs worth a little bit of time?

One incredibly noteworthy section of the poll is a group of …

The Nintendo Switch is a Long Time Coming

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 10/22/16 at 06:17 PM CT

After months of agonizing silence since unofficially taking the WiiU off life-support, this past week Nintendo finally produced a short teaser trailer revealing the Nintendo Switch, the Japanese company’s upcoming gaming platform, formerly codenamed “NX.” Unfortunately, this teaser doesn’t reveal much of anything new, as the rumors and speculation about the Switch being a console/handheld hybrid and using cartridges instead of optical discs have been around for many months. It is, however, nice to have these rumors confirmed. Even more unfortunately, Nintendo is committed to clamming up and not sharing anything more about the Switch until close to its release date in March 2017.

Looking way, way, waaaay back to 2011, one of my very first articles on the then-new was an exhortation for Nintendo to merge their console and handheld efforts into a single device, while simultaneously praising Sony’s efforts at Remastering PSP games for the PS3 (I have since …

From Micro to Macro: Enough is Enough

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 10/16/16 at 01:10 PM CT

Having recently dipped a toe into the multi-player mode of “Dragon Age: Inquisition,” I was disgusted to find a mobile-style microtransaction engine instead of a complementary game mode. Other mainstream “AAA” developers, like Square Enix, have been sneaking this type of nonsense into retail releases, like the latest ‘Deus Ex’ title, as well.

When microtransactions started out, they seemed innocuous enough. Horse Armor in “Oblivion” was one of the bigger, more memetic jokes made about early microtransactions, but, for the most part, they were indeed small, cosmetic, and fully optional.

More recently, however, I have noticed a distinct trend of ‘micro’transactions no longer remaining small. Many of the terrible mobile games that Chris and Nick just can’t stop playing are Free2Play – meaning that they are actually Pay2Win – and while the not-particularly-optional payments start out fairly small, they inexorably built, to the point that the costlier ones …

As Went TV, So Too Shall Go Videogames

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 10/09/16 at 02:47 PM CT

The new Fall Television Season is upon us. We’re already a few weeks in, and new shows – and new seasons of extant shows – will continue to trickle out for the rest of the year, before other shows are rotated in to fill-out the schedule for the remainder of the season, as few current shows can be bothered to produce a full 24-36 episodes as they once did.

Recently I was talking with the MeltedJoystick Crew over Steam chat about the shows we’re watching or are planning to watch in this upcoming season. While Chris and Nick both admitted to watching waaaaaaay too much TV, with gobs of shows cluttering up their DVRs, Matt – being the nauseatingly stereotypical workaholic ‘family’ guy – confessed to only streaming a single show to completion at any given time, while I proudly announced my meager TV-watching schedule as a boon, giving me more time every evening to work on my terrifying backlog of videogames (80, at time of writing).

It has actually been quite a long …

“Cinematic” is the New RPG

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 10/02/16 at 02:50 PM CT

In the 8th Generation, I have been gratefully relieved to see a resurgence of true, dyed-in-the-wool RPGs after the genre all but disappeared during the grim, bleak 7th Generation. However, I have been wondering why the King Maker genre, the genre that everyone agreed was one of their top-tier favorites from the 3rd Gen when “Final Fantasy” and “Dragon Quest” were breaking new ground with every sequel, all the way through the 6th Gen when nearly every publisher that mattered had their own IP in the genre, was driven to the brink of extinction in the first place.

Looking back at the RPG genre from the 3rd-6th Gens, one major feature of the genre stands out: RPGs were the only videogame genre to provide gripping narrative content and an investment by the player in a cast of characters over dozens of hours. Old-style platformers didn’t bother with story fluff. Neither did old shooters, and that genre still struggles with narrative-focused experiences to this day. As of the …

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