Top Members All Time

Members with the most activity all time.

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Members with the most points

# Member # of Reviews # of Ratings # of Plots # of Lists Total Points
1. 2070 2059 0 17 8962
2. 503 555 3827 26 6745
3. 487 1882 6 58 5337
4. dbarry_22 221 654 0 68 1748
5. ! 2 713 1 4 724
6. Adrigan 39 529 0 4 716
7. Captain Video 0 630 0 5 633
8. Nick 42 309 0 9 595
9. Jonzor 41 295 3 9 502
10. Alex 83 174 0 9 436
11. W A 0 431 0 4 432
12. Drive-In Massacre 2 391 0 5 405
13. quarterback98 0 364 0 4 365
14. MeltedJoystick User 0 346 0 4 347
15. PricklyPat 0 346 0 4 347
16. Xavier the Prof 0 330 0 4 331
17. TicityTaz 45 97 0 9 292
18. LilSister 0 277 0 4 278
19. Elizabeth 3 166 0 80 261
20. ErsatzGuy 0 250 0 4 251
21. royaluglydudes 0 250 0 5 251
22. Matt 9 204 0 5 250
23. The Void 0 247 0 4 248
24. Mr.Chuckles 0 219 0 4 221
25. Michael 0 203 0 3 204

Most generous members

# Member Average Rating
1. ASGrince 4.34
2. MikeInMotion 4.32
3. gdi9393 4.30
4. Sean 4.22
5. Hurricane2000 4.13
6. Boo 4.06
7. Shaneo99 3.96
8. Lucent Beam 3.95
9. Rebecca 3.94
10. jbn566 3.94
11. Michael 3.92
12. Pat 3.88
13. Sully915 3.87
14. SIngli6 3.85
15. Jonzor 3.83
16. theegreatone 3.83
17. FinlayCox143 3.82
18. Katie 3.80
19. folsomcounty 3.80
20. TicityTaz 3.75
21. Matt 3.67
22. JLFM 3.66
23. Batgirl1979 3.63
24. Achmed 3.45
25. Xavier the Prof 3.43

Least generous members

# Member Average Rating
1. MeltedJoystick User 2.26
2. nyceddie 2.33
3. Adrigan 2.76
4. Luci 2.89
5. Drive-In Massacre 3.00
6. Megadrive 3.01
7. quarterback98 3.02
8. LilSister 3.05
9. Nelson Schneider 3.06
10. ErsatzGuy 3.08
11. ! 3.09
12. W A 3.12
13. Alex 3.14
14. Nick 3.18
15. Elizabeth 3.23
16. Mr.Chuckles 3.26
17. royaluglydudes 3.33
18. Captain Video 3.34
19. PricklyPat 3.35
20. dbarry_22 3.38
21. Chris Kavan 3.41
22. The Void 3.42
23. Xavier the Prof 3.43
24. Achmed 3.45
25. Batgirl1979 3.63
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