Eye of the Beholder Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 3422

Average Rating: 2.8/5

# of Ratings: 5

US Release Date: 04/01/1994

JP Release Date: 03/18/1994

Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)

Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Dungeon Crawler)

Developer: Capcom

Publisher: Capcom

Also Available On: Sega CD

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 07/01/2018

First person dungeon-exploring adventure based upon the Dungeons & Dragons board games with very average graphics and a clumsy menu system

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/19/2011

As a D&D fan, it's a fun enough game, but nothing like the real experience. Plus, it's way too short for what it is - but for the time, it was about all you could hope for to emulate the experience.

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