Game Information
Overall Rank: 123
Average Rating: 4.3/5
# of Ratings: 6
US Release Date: 06/01/1994
JP Release Date: 06/14/1994
Platform: Game Boy / Color
Genres: Action (2D Platformer, Arcade)
ESRB Rating: E
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Much More Depth Than You'd Expect
dbarry_22 - wrote on 05/08/2013
Donkey Kong for the original Game Boy has a surprising amount of depth for a handheld game. In this seriously upgraded version compared to the NES and arcade version, Mario has increased abilities, there's more of a puzzle element to it, and there's many more levels to get through.
It's a familiar sight, Donkey Kong has taken the princess hostage and you must climb though levels to get to her. However, in this version of Donkey Kong, Mario has more abilities. You can swing on ropes to launch yourself up and across the screen. There's still the hammer to take out enemies and walls, but now there are also items that can create ladders and floors to walk on. This adds more of a puzzle feel to the game than just your typical platformer. You must figure out how to use these items to …
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