Game Information
Overall Rank: 1184
Average Rating: 3.5/5
# of Ratings: 5
US Release Date: 09/26/2014
Platform: Wii U
Genres: Action (Beat ‘Em Up)
ESRB Rating: T
Multiplayer: Local
Developer: Tecmo, Koei
Publisher: Nintendo
Also Available On: Nintendo Switch
Synopsis: Once again Hyrule is in danger - the Triforce balance has been upset by the Sorceress Cia - and Princess Zelda has once again gone missing. Hero Link will face ruthless waves of Bokoblin hordes - but he will not be alone. Impa will also lend her powers, and as you proceed, you will unlock more of Hyrule's greatest warriors - each with their own set of moves and weapons. Face down the toughest enemies, employ brutal combos to take them out and save the kingdom once again.
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
All You Need is Kill
Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/28/2015
Despite my predication for games of all stripes (including ones where you beat up a lot of things... mostly zombies) I have never once played one of the many warriors games out there. Considering just how many of these games are out there, it's obvious the genre must have a pretty big following. In recent years, however, they have moved away from the Dynasty Warriors image (taking place in the Three Kingdoms era and featuring many heroes from that period) and have branched out into many properties. Zelda is the latest franchise to get this treatment, and my first real taste of this kind of game. I have to say, in short spurts, the game has its moments. It does get repetitive but the visual style is pretty amazing (along with some classic Zelda themes - both in settings and sound) and, in …
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Eww, There’s ‘Musou’ in This ‘Zelda.’
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/27/2015
I have never played a ‘Warriors’ (‘Musou’ in Japanese) game before, neither ‘Dynasty,’ nor ‘Samurai,’ nor ‘Gundam,’ nor any variety of cross-licensed flavor mix-in. The series simply isn’t discussed widely in the RPG-loving circles I tend to frequent, and thus never entered my sphere of awareness, outside of the huge numbers of used ‘Dynasty Warriors’ games that lined the shelves of my local used game stores. However, with the WiiU struggling to establish a library and grasping at any means to justify its existence, I figured I’d throw Nintendo and Tecmo-Koei a couple of bones and try out the ‘Warriors’ style of gameplay with a candy shell of ‘Zelda’ goodness.
The game that resulted from this union of two companies, “Hyrule Warriors,” …
Rating of
Legends Become Warriors
Edge-Vi - wrote on 10/17/2014
You know the saying "You can't judge a book by its cover"? Truth be told, you can judge most of this game based on the title. If you don't like the Warriors games, then this game won't change your mind. But if you do, than this may be a title worth your time. That's the short of it.
So what exactly does Hyrule Warriors have to offer? Well as I've said, if you've played a Warriors game before (Dynasty, Samurai, or even Dynasty Warriors Gundam), then you'll be able to pick this up with no problem. The game is a hack and slash brawler where your goal is to capture keeps, and take down hundreds of brain dead enemies. You basically do this the entire game. Now this may sound repetitive, but the truth is it's a fun kind of repetitive. The enjoyment of these games is the feeling of mowing down …
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