Mario Kart 8 Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 435

Average Rating: 4/5

# of Ratings: 6

US Release Date: 05/30/2014

JP Release Date: 2014

Platform: Wii U

Genres: Driving (Kart)

ESRB Rating: E

Multiplayer: Local and Online

Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo

Synopsis: Mario Kart returns with some old favorites and all-new tricks. For the first time all eight of Bowser's Koopalings join the race. The new anti-gravity mechanic gives a whole new dimension to racing and Mario Kart TV lets you upload your favorite moments and check out your friends' accomplishments as well. Up to 12 player online action - or four-player local action - with the ability to join races the world over. Karts, cycles, gliders and underwater racing - get your fix in the crispest tracks yet as you race for supremacy.

Full Game Reviews

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Sandbox Addict

Rating of

Eight is Great! Also $%!*&@

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/25/2014

Considering how "meh" I personally felt about the last two console versions of Mario Kart, I didn't know if this either iteration was going to be any better. Despite driving my cussing ration to an all-time high (or top ten at least), I have to say I enjoyed this version a lot - and Nintendo may not have saved the WiiU with this one, but it certainly is one of the best (if not the best) game for the system - especially when you have friends involved.

Presentation: Mario Kart has always been pretty vibrant and colorful, but the WiiU really makes things pop. From the racers to the tracks - everything looks pretty stunning and has to be some of the best graphics on the system thus far. But beyond the looks, the sound effects, the music, even the annoying phrases for each characters - …

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Rating of

Like Infinity, 8 is a Never Ending Loop

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 07/25/2014

Kart racing is really the only kind of racing videogame I enjoy. ‘Mario Kart’ is the granddaddy of the genre, bringing low-realism, antics-filled racing to the masses way back on the SNES. While the franchise has been hit-and miss, not to mention the copycats produced in emulation of the ‘Mario Kart’ style, I still find myself pining for a new entry in the series every few years or so. After “Mario Kart: Double Dash!!” and “Mario Kart Wii” blew away my expectations for the series, adding fun new mechanics and refining old mechanics to a razor edge, “Mario Kart 8” had some big shoes to fill.

“Mario Kart 8” has a flawless presentation. The fully-polygonal graphics engine looks as sharp and clean as possible, plus everything is extremely well …

Hardcore Gamer

Rating of

Same Great Racing and Fun, Now in HD

dbarry_22 - wrote on 06/19/2014

Mario Kart 8's subtle additions along with excellent graphics and music make this a must own game for those who have purchased a WiiU. Nintendo didn't exactly overhaul the Mario Kart formula in this game. In fact, if you played Mario Kart 7 on the 3DS you'll see a ton of similarities. While I didn't overwhelmingly enjoy the 3DS version of Mario Kart, I found the WiiU version quite fun.

Mario Kart 8 still has the same class system for races. There's 50cc, 100cc, and 150cc along with a mirror mode if you beat the first 3 classes. I still think the 50cc class is almost worthless but it is a good way to introduce you to all the tracks. When you unlock all the characters there are 30 from which you can choose including all the classic characters you'd expect along with all the …

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