Game Information
Overall Rank: 9
Average Rating: 4.6/5
# of Ratings: 8
US Release Date: 05/10/2009
Platform: PC
Genres: Action (Sandbox)
ESRB Rating: E10+
Multiplayer: Online
Developer: Mojang AB
Publisher: Mojang AB
Synopsis: A game limited only by your imagination as you take control of an avatar to create and destroy various blocks in a 3D environment. Whether you create structures or works of amazing artistic design is up to you as you share your creations across multiplayer servers across many game modes.
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Minecraft - My Life
Minecraftfreek1680 - wrote on 08/06/2013
This game has been in my life for quite a while and I enjoy playing this sandbox adventure! I have learned the up's, down's and lots more... but the game doesn't matter as much as playing it with your friends with the Multiplayer feature that let's you go out with your friends and do or be anything you want, similar to virtual reality. I love this game so much and it is worth the $30USD (One-Time Payment).
So if you are a hater of this game and haven't tried it, I recommend trying it... surprisingly I was a hater also... then I played it! Thank - You for taking the time to read all of this if you did. That's Minecraft... My Life!
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Recent Game Talk Posts
Minecraftfreek1680 - wrote on 2013-08-06 13:08
Minecraft. I love this game so much that I can't believe it's on a computer. I can't begin to comprehend or tell you how insanely fun this game is, and it's not just breaking and placing blocks! There's Player vs. Player, Parkour, and Mini-Games. You can also create your own server and make a growing community! I recommend this game *****!