Raiden Trad Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 1454

Average Rating: 4/5

# of Ratings: 1

US Release Date: 1993

JP Release Date: 07/06/1991

Platform: Sega Genesis

Genres: Action (SHMUP)

Developer: Micronet

Publisher: Micronet

Also Available On: Super Nintendo (SNES)

Full Game Reviews

Gaming God

Rating of

Raiden Trad

Megadrive - wrote on 03/06/2018

Shoot 'em up in the classic vertical scrolling style with a good spectrum of difficulty, solid graphics and a sparing power up system that makes you work very hard before handing you the keys to the big guns. Not for those who want a quick and easy fix, but if you like challenging old school blasters, this is probably the best vertical scroller on the system.

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