Prince of Persia Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 1372

Average Rating: 3.5/5

# of Ratings: 3

US Release Date: 11/01/1992

JP Release Date: 07/03/1992

Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)

Genres: Action (2D Platformer)

Developer: Arsys

Publisher: Konami

Also Available On: Game Gear, Nintendo (NES), PC, Sega CD, Sega Genesis, TurboGrafx-16

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 05/22/2018

The SNES Prince Of Persia has abandoned the motion captured animation for a more traditional sprite based approach and the controls are a little clumsy and unintuitive compared to other versions, but it's still an absorbing and original platform adventure.

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