“Ninja Gaiden,” which, thanks to the 3 Japanese characters between the two words in the title, I always read as “Ninja THE Gaiden,” is one of those games that never piqued my interest back in the day. Granted, I didn’t even start gaming until the year it game was released, in 1989, and my desire to play the old NES was frequently limited by both my 10-year-old child attention span and my to-this-very-day low tolerance for the generally awful quality of the NES games my Dad bought for me, knowing nothing about them.
Perhaps I dodged a bullet? I didn’t receive a Nintendo Power Magazine advertising/shilling subscription until the issue after “Ninja THE Gaiden” received a full feature, and my local peers who played games (and, I assumed, knew a hell of a lot ... |
Rating of 1/5 |