Game Information
Overall Rank: 2424
Average Rating: 3/5
# of Ratings: 6
US Release Date: 08/31/2010
JP Release Date: 09/02/2010
Platform: Wii
Genres: Action (2D Platformer, Action/Adventure)
ESRB Rating: T
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Team Ninja
Publisher: Nintendo
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
"Metroid: Other M"
Megadrive - wrote on 10/14/2022
Being a massive fan of the 2D Metroid games - the GBA instalments rank amongst my most favourite games - the reintroduction of some of those gameplay mechanics in Other M is a definite step back in the right direction. Unfortunately, like a lot of Wii games, the developers felt the need to include a "novel" control system and constantly having to reorientate the remote - especially during combat - is fiddly and distracting. The is just a niggle however, as otherwise it's another good entry in the Metroid series and a marked improvement over Metroid Prime.
Rating of
Old Meets New: The Evolution of Metroid
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/20/2011
“Metroid: Other M” (“Other M”) is the first game in the series to come out of Japan since “Metroid Fusion” in 2002. In the meantime, the genre-defining Metroid series was given over to the hands of Retro Studios, a Western developer that does what all Western developers do: turn things into first-person shooters. Thus Metroid is a fractured series, as it is influenced by both its origin as THE side-scrolling adventure (“Metroid” and “Super Metroid”) and its most recent incarnations as a trilogy of first-person shooters that started out impressive, but culminated in a fizzle (“Metroid Prime Trilogy”). Having inherited this legacy, “Other M” stands upon very unsteady ground. Fan expectation is fanatical, with no two fans agreeing upon where the series should go. …
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