Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 2330

Average Rating: 3.1/5

# of Ratings: 7

US Release Date: 10/05/1992

JP Release Date: 09/10/1993

Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)

Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Turn-Based RPG)

Developer: Squaresoft

Publisher: Squaresoft

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 05/16/2018

AKA Mystic Quest Legend, this RPG from Square is a more lighthearted and simplified affair compared to many. The graphics are a little 8 bit and the battles a little too dependent on luck, but its sense of humour and accessibility make it a decent option for those without the patience for more in depth and complex RPGs.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/15/2011

Call it RPG lite - this so-called "entry level" RPG is quite a departure from the rest of the Final Fantasy/Dragon Warrior games of the time. For someone whose never seen an RPG before, it's great, for those that have, it's kind of lame. I'd stick to the main entries.

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