World to the West Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 2063

Average Rating: 4/5

# of Ratings: 1

US Release Date: 05/05/2017

Platform: PC (Steam)

Genres: Action (Action/Adventure)

ESRB Rating: E10+

Developer: SOEDESCO

Publisher: SOEDESCO

Also Available On: Nintendo Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Full Game Reviews

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Rating of

Good ‘Zelda’ Vibes

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 11/09/2023

“World to the West” (“WttW”) is the second game by Norwegian Indie studio, Rain Games, which is better known for its ‘Teslagrad’ series of puzzle/platformers. Rain Games got its start way back in 2013, while “WttW” was released in 2017. I first became aware of “WttW” while watching some sort of Indie showcase that was NOT E3. It looked cute, colorful, and the combination of puzzles and top-down Action shown-off gave me strong ‘Zelda’ vibes… and with Nintendo doing its best not to emit ANY definitively ‘Zelda-ish’ vibes in recent memory, I’ve become all-too willing to give knock-offs a chance. I’m usually pleasantly surprised.

“WttW” is built in the recently-troubled Unity Engine, and actually comes off significantly more polished …

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