Game Information
Overall Rank: 2046
Average Rating: 4/5
# of Ratings: 1
US Release Date: 08/23/2016
Platform: PlayStation Network
Genres: Action (2D Platformer)
ESRB Rating: M
Multiplayer: No
Developer: PLAYDEAD
Publisher: PLAYDEAD
Also Available On: Nintendo Network, PC (Steam), Xbox Live Arcade
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A Story You'll Have To Think About Afterwards
dbarry_22 - wrote on 02/07/2017
INSIDE provides more classic 2D platforming and it's story will have you thinking at the end.
Playdead's INSIDE is much like a previous game they created, LIMBO. It's a 2D platforming adventure where for much of it you really have no idea what's going on. There's no description when it comes to the story. At the beginning of the game you take control of a boy in the forest and you just start going. Eventually you realize that you're being chased so you must be careful and stay out of sight. As you progress you start to get a feeling as to what might be going on but at the end things take a strange turn. There's a lot of debate as to what this game is trying to tell you on the internet. I've read these theories. Some of it is ridiculous and some of it is pretty spot on in my …
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