Awesomenauts Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 1144

Average Rating: 3.6/5

# of Ratings: 5

US Release Date: 08/01/2012

Platform: PC (Steam)

Genres: Action (2D Platformer), Casual (MOBA)

ESRB Rating: T

Multiplayer: Local and Online

Developer: DTP Entertainment

Publisher: Ronimo Games

Also Available On: PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade

Full Game Reviews

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Rating of

Borat Could Make a Joke on the Title…

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 08/17/2015

“Awesomenauts” is the second game published by Ronimo Games, an Indie outfit better known as the developer of the uninspired casual RTS title, “Swords & Soldiers.” Things are clearly going insane in the world of Indie games, though, as Ronimo is not the actual developer of “Awesomenauts,” but is merely publishing it for an even less reputable outfit, DTP Entertainment.

“Awesomenauts” itself is a brazen attempt at breaking into the relatively-new MOBA (Multi-player Online Battle Arena) genre, which is a new-school distillation of the competitive online RTS matches that gained popularity on PC with the rise of the Internet in the 1990s. However, in trying to change-up the quickly-stagnating MOBA formula, “Awesomenauts” manages to stand out, while still remaining as …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Sandbox Addict

Rating of

I Want All the Things!

Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/16/2015

Awesomenauts is really the first MOBA I have played. I haven't got into these top-down, somehow massively popular games that have taken the world by storm (seriously - the US team just won millions of dollars by taking the League of Legends crown - I guess I'm in the wrong business). But Awesomenauts also seems to be unique (at the moment) in that it's more of a 2D platformer (and a colorful one at that) than your traditional MOBA-style game. What drives this game for me, however, isn't the MOBA aspect, but rather the great blend of characters and humor that come with the game.

Presentation: The look of the game is one that blends vibrant colors with a cartoonish style. It's bright and light-hearted yet with an undercurrent of I'm-going-to-destroy-you violence. No blood and guts here …

Avid Gamer

Rating of

This place looks dangerous... I like it!

Jonzor - wrote on 01/16/2015

It’s impossible to write a review of this game (at least for me) without succumbing to the temptation to make some sort of awesome-based pun at some point. The reasons are two-fold:

1. The joke is low-hanging fruit and I’m not above that sort of stuff.
2. The game in question, Awesomenauts, IS in fact, awesome.

But I’ll try my very hardest.

If I had to describe it to someone who had never seen it, I’d say it’s what would happen if Super Smash Bros was turned into a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena). This description I feel does an AWES… surprisingly.... good... job, save for the fact that MOBA games are still a fairly new genre so many people can’t even name a MOBA, let alone understand what you’re trying to convey.

And that seems as good a place to …

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