Game Information
Overall Rank: 589
Average Rating: 4.3/5
# of Ratings: 2
US Release Date: 08/28/2014
Platform: Nintendo Network
Genres: Action (2D Platformer)
ESRB Rating: E10+
Developer: Image & Form
Publisher: Image & Form
Also Available On: PC (Steam), PlayStation Network
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
Digging Has Never Been So Fun
dbarry_22 - wrote on 01/02/2018
SteamWorld Dig is a surprisingly addictive and enjoyable game since the game is based around only one real thing, digging.
This game basically takes place in a old west type setting now in control by robots. You control a robot named Rusty who goes to Tumbleton to investigate his uncle's old mine underneath town. When he heads down there he finds the remains of his uncle, takes his pick axe and then you just start digging. Members of the town tell you about the mystery of the mine and what Rusty's uncle had done before but really you don't know much and you keep digging farther and farther down until you find out what's really going on down there.
The game play is pretty simplistic. You can swing your pick axe and dig left, right, down and directly above you. You can jump but …
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