Mass Effect Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 788

Average Rating: 3.8/5

# of Ratings: 3

US Release Date: 05/28/2008

Platform: PC (Steam)

Genres: Action (Third-Person Shooter), Role Playing (RPG) (Elements)

ESRB Rating: M

Developer: BioWare, Demiurge Studios

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Also Available On: Xbox 360

Synopsis: In the distant future, mankind is a relatively new member of galactic society. You play Commander Shepard, and a routine mission quickly has the fate of the galaxy resting on your shoulders. Your struggles to save the galaxy will hinge not only on getting others trust you, but to trust humanity as a species.

Full Game Reviews

Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Epic Reviewer

Rating of

Massive Affective Disorder

Nelson Schneider - wrote on 02/02/2021

Back at the dawn of what would become the dismal 7th Generation, BioWare, the development team that single-handedly revived the concept of Dungeons & Dragons-based RPGs on PC under the guiding hand of publisher, InterPlay, had been cut loose in the wake of said publisher’s untimely collapse. Adrift and in the mood to make foolish decisions, BioWare actually sublet the D&D license for which they had been such wonderful stewards to Atari (delenda est) and moved on to making a ‘Star Wars’ themed RPG and a stand-alone Orientalist RPG called “Jade Empire,” both of which were targeted at the original Xbox, and both of which danced dangerously close to the line between RPG and Action, frequently stepping over it.

Their debut title for the 7th Generation’s Xbox 360, however, would …

Avid Gamer

Rating of

I beg you, just don't play as a Soldier...

Jonzor - wrote on 07/03/2012

I think it’s pretty safe to say that the Mass Effect series is going to come out of this console cycle as one of the most important new IPs of the generation. If I don’t have a feel for the pulse of the industry and I’m wrong... well... then it’s their loss. Mass Effect does so many things so well (and so consistently well over the series) that the rest of the industry SHOULD be feeling pressure to step their game up.

Did I tip my hand a little early, there? Well, I guess it’s too late now: I really liked Mass Effect. To me, Mass Effect felt like a new level of success in areas video games are sometimes notorious for failure. It’s weird to say, and in a vacuum, could come off as a back-handed compliment, but my favorite parts of Mass Effect were the parts that really …

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