Game Information
Overall Rank: 4982
Average Rating: 2.2/5
# of Ratings: 3
US Release Date: 11/20/2007
JP Release Date: 04/26/2007
Platform: Nintendo DS / DSi
Genres: Role Playing (RPG) (Tactical RPG)
ESRB Rating: E10+
Developer: Square Enix, Think and Feel
Publisher: Square Enix
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
"Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings"
Megadrive - wrote on 04/08/2020
A hybridisation of the classic RPG formula and a kind of Commander & Conquer style real time strategy game, Revenant Wings doesn't quite work because the battles invariably degenerate into a big indistinguishable mob once too many characters enter the fray which is impossible to manage once it has begun. Therefore if you've made a questionable decision before the battle starts, it's virtually impossible to rectify once its started, minimising a little too much of the control and strategy elements. As it stands the superior presentation makes it fairly enjoyable but it will no doubt irritate strategy fans for this reason.
Rating of
Yeah, I said it: Episode VI
Jonzor - wrote on 01/29/2012
There used to be a time when a Final Fantasy game was a video gaming one-night stand. You played the game, met the characters, saved the world, and never called them back.
Now, replaying Final Fantasy III slash VI a hundred times in my life sort of destroys the metaphor, but you know what I mean. There were no more extra adventures, no "What happened next?", and no returning villains. Whenever someone said that they'd like to try the Final Fantasy games but doesn't know the story so they'd just be lost, you could say, "No, that's the thing, they're all different. New story, new characters, new everything in each game."
Not anymore. Apparently Square Enix has decided that if they can't make good games, they can at least make MORE games. So let's do sequels for every Final …
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