Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 1241

Average Rating: 3.4/5

# of Ratings: 10

US Release Date: 02/28/1997

JP Release Date: 05/30/1997

Platform: Nintendo 64

Genres: Action (First-Person Shooter)

ESRB Rating: M

Multiplayer: No

Developer: Iguana

Publisher: Acclaim

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 09/27/2022

First person shooter that's not without its flaws - the lookspring which cannot be turned off makes judging jumps and shots with up-close enemies overly fiddly and the save points are too few and far between - but it's certainly fun to play.

Rating of

Nick - wrote on 03/12/2011

One of my more favorite games for the N64. This is one of the first 3D first person shooter I played. The tribal type background music with the suspense of what is around the corner is great. The level layouts had great graphics and I really enjoyed this game.

Rating of

Alex - wrote on 02/19/2011

Bloody fun, cool weapons, awesome cheats and some good bosses. The graphics blew me away. It is funny how much people were complaining about the play control and then when Halo basically did the same thing, it was praised. The one bad part was that the cheats really destroyed the enjoyment of the game if you used them. Still, a ton of fun.

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