Game Information
Overall Rank: 2566
Average Rating: 3/5
# of Ratings: 3
US Release Date: 09/01/1991
JP Release Date: 07/13/1991
Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)
Genres: Action (SHMUP)
Developer: Irem
Publisher: Irem
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
"Super R-Type"
Megadrive - wrote on 06/08/2018
Conversion of one of the best shoot 'em up series around, based upon R-Type II with some SNES-only extras thrown in. It looks great and has all of the elements of a really good shooter, save for a couple of niggles: it has a bit of an issue with slowdown when the screen gets cluttered and the complete absence of checkpoints. I like a challenge, but being sent back to the very beginning of a level after being killed during the boss fight is just a pain. For this reason, R-Type III is the better choice.
Rating of
Welcome to Frustration
Adrigan - wrote on 03/21/2011
Good graphics cannot overcome horrible gameplay and mind-bending slowdown in this shooter. Although this game COULD have been quite fun, the designers decided to require you to restart each level once you die. This itself is not necessarily a fatal flaw, unless every time there are more than 4 moving objects on the screen everything starts to go in slow motion. This one had a lot of potential, but there are better shooters out there for the SNES (Gradius).
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