Game Information
Overall Rank: 759
Average Rating: 3.7/5
# of Ratings: 5
US Release Date: 11/01/1992
JP Release Date: 10/21/1992
Platform: Game Boy / Color
Genres: Action (2D Platformer)
ESRB Rating: E
Multiplayer: No
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Full Game Reviews
Rating of
On Handheld Esoterica and Suppressed Memories
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 01/02/2020
“Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins” (“SML2”) is a game I haven’t really thought about in nearly 30 years. I was 11 or 12 years old when this thing was released for the original Game Boy Brick in 1992, and like most handheld games, I found it to be enjoyable enough when played on the Super Game Boy, but ultimately forgettable. Having just recently experienced the utter disappointment of “Super Mario Maker 2’s” Story Mode, I decided to try to get a dose of ‘Mario’ from a time when the series was ‘better.’ Having played the absolute snot out of “Super Mario World” in the decades since its release, I decided instead to re-experience one of THE definitive ‘Mario’ game’s contemporaries through the magic of emulation. Looking at “SML2” from the wise …
Rating of
dbarry_22 - wrote on 03/25/2011
Super Mario Land 2 is underrated to say the least. I remember back in day when I played a lot of Game Boy I played this game often and beaten it several times. Level selection and progression is similar to Super Mario World, including beating the same level in different ways to access different levels.
Play control was good, the graphics were a significant upgrade over the first Mario Land, and if I'm not mistaken the first appearance by Wario in a game happened here.
This game is a lot of fun, and it took a long time for an original Mario hand held to approach the level of this game.
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