Super Castlevania IV Game Information

Game Information

Overall Rank: 90

Average Rating: 4.2/5

# of Ratings: 9

US Release Date: 12/01/1991

JP Release Date: 10/31/1991

Platform: Super Nintendo (SNES)

Genres: Action (2D Platformer)

Developer: Konami

Publisher: Konami

Quick Game Reviews

Rating of

Megadrive - wrote on 06/04/2018

Like nearly all Castlevania games, it's got large levels, decent graphics and varied enemies, but is also a little samey and takes itself far too seriously.

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My Favorite Action Game for the SNES

Adrigan - wrote on 03/21/2011

This is my favorite non-RPG Castlevania. Yes, its extraordinarily difficult at parts. Yes, the one-hit deaths can get really, really old. However, this game had some of the best graphics and gameplay of the day. It was one of the few early games to test the limits (successfully) of the SNES's graphical capabilities. It was also the first Castlevania (I think) to feature Simon's whip that could be thrust at an angle. The bosses are very cool, the levels are long, and the music is top-notch.

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