“The Vagrant” is the 2017 inaugural release by O.T.K. Games (not to be confused with One True King, an association of Twitch streamers that uses the same acronym), a small Indie studio consisting of three Chinese guys, Wang, Rong, and Liu, who actually started working together in 2014, with an unsuccessful Kickstarter crowdsourcing event. When I saw initial footage and screens of “The Vagrant,” I immediately thought it was a new game by Japanese Indie developer (and Sony whore) Vanillaware, due to the gorgeous hand-painted visuals and sexually-charged character designs.
Alas, “The Vagrant” is not a Vanillaware game, and that studio has still shown no inclination to port their games to PC (or any platform besides PlayStation, for that matter). However, with O.T.K.’s work o... |
Rating of 4/5 |