Chris Kavan's Game Review of Katamari Damacy REROLL

Rating of

Katamari Damacy REROLL

Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Up the World
Chris Kavan - wrote on 12/12/21

I remember playing the original Katamari Damacy for PS2 back in the mid-00s and it was unlike anything else out there. Though many, many, many years have passed, there still isn't anything quite like Katamair (other than the few sequels it spawned) and though we are yet to receive a new gift of Katamari and may never again, Reroll reminds us of a simpler, better time and gosh it's just fun to roll around and collect things once again.

Looks and Stuff: Reroll is pretty much the exact same at the original Katamari with some graphical and control updates. The game isn't exactly made for 4K ultra resolution, but it pops a lot more than the original with plenty more detail on items and such. But keeping the game the same also means you get to experience on the most unique and trippy stories out there, along with a kick-ass soundtrack that will stick with you long after you put down the controller. In fact, I would say it's a good thing the music and cut-scenes (and that awesome intro) remained the same - it's so perfectly suited for this game, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Story: The King of All Cosmos has gone and taken all the stars (and moon) out of the sky. Lucky for him he has the precious, little prince to help him clean up the mess. Small, green but ready to roll, our hero uses his Katamari ball to roll up various things on Earth in order to restore the stars in the sky. In the crazy cut-scenes we also follow a family who are traveling to see their father off on an important space mission. It's both surreal, hilarious and just downright strange, but it is certainly something.

Gameplay: The original Katamari was not the most polished, control-wise, and while Reroll definitely feels better, it still has some issues. The turning does seem tighter - helpful on the evil levels where you have to avoid small items and collect the biggest - but I still hate the dash prompt (furiously shaking your thumbsticks back and forth) and hardly ever used it. The jump command is also useless for the most part and I only accidentally triggered it a handful of times. The game is simple enough - your roll around various levels - starting off in a single room in a house to rolling around the entire world - and you pick up items. From hairpins and dice to entire buildings and mountains - everything can be rolled up provided you're big enough. Every level has a timer, so you do have to plan accordingly, and, I'm happy to say, I never failed a single level. There are also theme levels to create certain constellations and stars - to create Pisces you have to roll up fish to create the North Star you have to create a Katamari of a specific size without a chart to go by. The most annoying levels are the dreaded Cow and Bear levels where you have to roll up the biggest size creature - while avoiding the little versions (like milk cartons or bear carvings) that will end your run on a sad trombone note. Still, the game offers plenty of variety and is (for the most part) quiet relaxing and unique.

Replay value: Katamari never truly ends with the three Eternal modes. Plus there are plenty of out-of-the-way items you can collect if you're a serious Katamari fan. If you ever feel the need to just keep rolling, Katamari will always be there.

Final Verdict: Fans of Katamari will not be disappointed - though aside from some updated graphics and such, it is the exact same game, but that's not such a bad thing in my book

Presentation: 4/5
Story: 4/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Replay: 5/5
Overall (not an average): 4/5

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