Nelson Schneider - wrote on 01/25/13 at 04:14 PM CT
During my precursory research into finding a viable, PC-compatible replacement for the Wiimote, I learned that, despite there being a large number of different motion controllers available for PC, they are all either really expensive, or
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 01/19/13 at 03:25 PM CT
Recently, I’ve been attempting to find some way of replicating the Wii’s pointer capabilities on Windows in order to make playing FPSes on PC a more pleasant experience. While I found numerous dedicated motion controllers for PC, all of them were either expensive, crap, or both. While a few options did fall into the acce...
Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/16/13 at 06:29 PM CT
While rumors are floating around about the exact release date for the next generation of systems from Sony and Microsoft, one thing is clear, with the release of the WiiU, it's apparent that this is most likely going to be the last year for the venerable Xbox 360 and PS3. Whether it's this fall, winter, something tells me there's a good chance this upcoming holiday season will see another new sys...
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 01/12/13 at 06:01 PM CT
Last July, I wrote about the ways FPSes could be adapted to make me actually enjoy playing them. Number 4 on that list – Pointer-Based Aiming – has recently become even more important to me, as the MeltedJoystick crew is planning on jumping into the PC version of “Borderlands” and “Borderlands 2” (once the GotY v...
Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/06/13 at 03:48 PM CT
The recent tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut has opened up multiple avenues of debate. While much of the attention has been devoted to gun control, the NRA had to weigh in and, unsurprisingly, brought up the specter of violence in the media to shift the burden of blame.
In the words of NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, taken from his spe...
Nelson Schneider - wrote on 01/06/13 at 03:32 PM CT
Welcome to another look into the near future. Now that the Christmas rush is over, we’re left with games that could either be considered Early Birds or a month too late. Regardless of what we might think of the games released in January, it is never a particularly big month. Out of the whopping 7 games releasing this month, it looks like there might be a couple of good ones.
Now that Christm...