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Location: All Gaming Forums / General Discussion / What should I get with my Club Nintendo Coins?
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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
I just got an e-mail from Nintendo saying I'm going to lose 600 Coins at the end of June if I don't use them. With the other stuff I still need to add, my Coin total will be near 1200.

I don't know what I should get... I'm eying the Starman messenger bag, the hand towels, the folding fans, and the hanafuda cards.
2:19 am CT

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Avid Gamer
I've got the Zelda poster set, I'm looking forward to getting the Mario posters at some point, but the DS Game & Watch Collection 2 takes priority. 05/03/2011
3:27 am CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
While I like the concept of the Game & Watch DS things as exclusive items that are actually games, there are two problems:

1. They are DS games; a handheld that I am becoming increasingly unfond of.

2. They are Game & Watch collections... which hold no appeal to me from a gameplay standpoint.

I have seen David's posters, and they are pretty nice looking, but I don't have room on my walls. I would have room for the fans, however.

I think the hanafuda cards are a great piece of Nintendo memorabilia, so I'm considering those... but they cost 800 coins! While I do have nearly 1300 now, that's a lot to drop on cards that I will never use.

I already have a bunch of themed bags that I never use (like the Shivan Dragon backpack that just sits on a bookshelf), so the Starman messenger bag would probably be a waste too.

Hmmm... decisions.
8:45 pm CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
I'm going to necro my own thread here, since I'm at the same crossroads again. I have 450 coins expiring in 2 weeks. I was saving them for the gold nunchuck, which Nintendo seems to have discontinued so hard that it isn't even listed as " currently unavailable."

My grand total of coins is up to 1020, and I'm 30 coins away from Platinum status for the year. I don't know where to get those 30 coins either. Curse you, Nintendo, for not releasing Pikmin 3 on time!!!!
6:37 pm CT

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Avid Gamer
Download a Wii U game or three. Those post-play surveys should do the trick. My next purchase is going too be the Mario poster set. 06/16/2013
8:49 pm CT

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Hardcore Gamer
In my opinion the prize selection has gotten significantly worse over the past year or so.  The next item I get that's actually available will probably be the giant AR Card, since I already have the Mario posters.  Hopefully they will come out with better stuff before I have to use my points. 06/19/2013
10:37 am CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
Jonzor, you're screwed. The Mario Posters are "currently unavailable." Which is apparently Nintendo Code for "never to be seen again."

That's not an opinion, db, it's a fact. Their prize selection has become absolutely atrocious. I don't really WANT any of the current prizes, but if I don't spend my coins I will simply be wasting them.

Curse you, Nintendo, for putting arbitrary expiration dates on imaginary currency!!!!
4:35 pm CT

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Avid Gamer
Oh no!  I checked like a month ago and I swear they were there!

No Mario posters, no hafanuda cards, no Game and Watch game... literally my top 3 rewards are off the shelf right now.
4:51 pm CT

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