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Location: All Gaming Forums / Video Game News and Rumors / Wii U sales
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Avid Gamer
So... the Xbox 360 launched in 2005. releases/83/january-npd-x box-360-extends-its-winni ng-streak-to-25-consecuti ve-mont

And the Wii U launched in 2012 view/news/186741/At_57K_s old_Wii_Us_January_perfor mance_is_historically_aby smal.php#.UR6KYx3igaA

Not only was the Wii U outsold by a 7 year old console, it wasn't even close.  And it wasn't because the 7 year old console is blowing the world away, it's because the Wii U is on the ropes 3 months out of the gate.

Man, they can't crank out the next "For the Love of God, Put Mario on a Box so People Will Buy a Wii U Game" fast enough, can they?
1:31 pm CT

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  Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Or Zelda... or Metroid.... or Smash Bros.... or Mario Kart... or Pikmin 3 - they're launch library is simply not enough to justify a purchase. New Super Mario Bros. U is fun but is pretty much a copy of New Super Mario Bros. (with a few tweaks).

Until they bring out they're big guns, it will look bad and if they wait too long, it may not matter anyway.
10:21 am CT

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Avid Gamer
I think F-Zero would have made a great launch game for the Wii U.  It hasn't been out in the sunlight for a while.  Something real simple with the touch screen like a rear-view mirror and maybe a gizmo or two that allowed you to adjust your car on the fly to tweak performance.

Or Star Fox.  Radar on the tablet?  Touch targets to label them and put a waypoint on the actual TV?

The sad thing is that Nintendo has more than just Mario and Zelda.  But for some reason killer apps have to be one of those two.  There's stuff that hasn't been used in a while and lends itself to experimentation MUCH better than something like Zelda, which has lots of franchise-staple requirements that limit the innovation that can be done.  Star Fox has very little in the way of gameplay staples everyone demands be in the game that could hold back a developer's ability to create a new, fresh game.
1:03 pm CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
F-Zero and StarFox really aren't system sellers. Yes, Nintendo is more than Mario and Zelda, but those are their best, and people who buy new consoles want the best.

If my WiiU hadn't been a business expense, I certainly wouldn't have bought one on my own at launch. With one of the few launch games I planned to get (Pikmin 3) pushed back until friggen June now, I don't know how Nintendo thinks they can even keep their most faithful happy with JUST NSMBU and Nintendo Land.

I own 3 WiiU games, and I'm done with all of them. I don't plan to buy any of the crap that's trickling out now, with Pikmin 3 being my next purchase. I don't know if Nintendo thought that rehashed ports of PS3/360 games would make up for their lack of first-party stuff or what, but they obviously made some tragic judgment errors.
6:11 pm CT

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Avid Gamer
Well... no duh.

If this conversation is "system sellers or GTFO," then I suggest closing the thread.  If Melted Joystick admins have that ability.

Mario was the system seller.  That role was filled... by a formulaic game we've played a zillion times because Nintendo always has one in a case at HQ that says, "In case of sales slump, break glass!"

That's WHY Mario is so been-there-done-that.&nbs p; Nintendo would rather leverage Mario in a lame way than something like Star Fox or F-Zero in a GOOD way.  Those franchises aren't nearly as played-out as Mario can feel, and can still be really good.

"But Joo-oooooon... no one buys games other than Mario..."

"Then make great games in other franchises!  This may come as a shock, but proving your company is good for something other than cranking out another Mario game MIGHT TAKE A WHILE.  YOU MAY HAVE TO MAKE MORE THAN ONE GAME TO PROVE THE POINT."

The Wii U's library is aching, and we need to stop acting like Mario and Zelda are the only ones that can save the day, because that's just making it a cyclical nightmare.  Star Fox and F-Zero haven't been touched in ages (save for porting Star Fox 64) and would be a good fit for this lull in Wii U releases.

F-Zero could have been multiplayer, to show off how incredibly committed to online Nintendo totally swears they are.  For reals, guys, we're gonna do online gaming... yeah man... this is totally not lip service, we're gonna like, have you online and play against people and stuff.

F-Zero could have let you customize your car appearance drawing on the gamepad.  Boy!  This touchscreen is coming in handy, look at my car!

F-Zero could have been steered with the pad/Wiimotes, 'cause... motion controls!  Every game has to have them!

F-Zero has bright, colorful graphics that can look great in HD while simultaneously looking friendly to all ages.  Boy, the Wii U's graphics are pretty awesome!

If you make it GOOD, and people WANT another game to play on their Wii U because they're bored... call me crazy, but maybe they'd give it a shot after hearing good things about it.
7:17 pm CT

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  Nelson Schneider
Nelson Schneider
F-Zero largely appeals to the same demographic as Sony's Wipeout games. Even if a shiny new F-Zero was available right now, and was awesome by F-Zero standards, who would buy it? I know you would, and dbarry_22 would. I wouldn't.

Starfox has been rendered invalid by the Internet and the explosion of Furry culture. You can't have a Starfox message board without furfags swarming in and ruining everything with explicit descriptions of their sexual fantasies.

There are tons of other less-rehashed Nintendo franchises other than F-Zero and Starfox that would appeal to a much broader base of players. Where's that Startropics reboot? Why is the latest Kid Icarus stuck on a crappy handheld? Maybe a new Earthbound/Mother game would drive sales?

System Sellers of GTFO is where Nintendo IS right now. They can't ignore that fact. Without enough super-appealing games, the WiiU won't be able to recover from its sale doldrums.
6:24 pm CT

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Avid Gamer
So... the idea is that people don't care about F-Zero, but DO care about a franchise that hasn't had a new entry since 1994 (Startropics) or 1995 (Earthbound... and I realize Mother 3 came out in 2006, but we need AMERICA on board, so what Japan has done lately isn't much of a concern to me)?

If you're going to play the "You and Dave would buy F-Zero, but who else?" card, then it works just as well for Startropics.  Just because we'll add YOU to the list of Dave and Jon doesn't mean the franchise is more popular.

Startropics and Earthbound are NOT system sellers, and they're only super appealing to people who've already BOUGHT a Wii U because we're Nintendo honks.  They're just old games that you, Dave, and I like because we've been doing this for over two decades. So we're back where apparently this conversation needed to be a year ago when Nintendo was planning the launch.

Add Mike Jones to Smash Bros, add C-island as a stage, and THEN maybe a Startopics game could gain some traction.  It worked for Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem, and would probably work for Ice Climbers if they made one of those, now.
6:46 pm CT

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F-Zero and Starfox would sell.  Nintendo needs to get these made and released.  Otherwise, what else you going to use your WiiU for, a paper weight... 03/12/2013
3:02 pm CT

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Avid Gamer
Yes!  Now we just need to add Nick to the list of people who would buy a Wii U and we'll be able to add his name to Jon and Dave as "People Who Would Buy F-Zero". 03/13/2013
4:36 pm CT

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If Nintendo wants to "bring back hardcore gamers", you need to make new amazing games that reminisce the great games of the past.  That will get people buying the WiiU, and make Nintendo a true name in gaming again.  Cause let's be honest, Grandma isn't going to replace her Wii until it breaks.  So that market that Nintendo did so well in last generation won't be as plentiful this generation.  But it does still matter, I just don't know how much...

P.S., I played the original F-Zero on the WiiU last night (virtual console), and it was awesome!
4:43 pm CT

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